
Tuesday 19 January 2010

The alternative light sources

This is a half-hearted attempt at finding budget light fittings. I am despondent because the lights I admire are too expensive - we have other needs to squander our cash on right at this moment (like bread and milk).

The Jeremy Cole Aloe light I wrote about yesterday is definitely in excess of what I am comfortable with in terms of paying for a light. Hmmm...let's just say that if there was a 50% off sale, we still wouldn't be able to afford the smallest sized one.

The fact it is unattainable makes me desire the Aloe light all the more. Damn you, Aloe! You mark my words, you shall be mine, perhaps not today or this year, but in 10 years time when your triffidness is tired and passé. When you are donated to Vinnies or listed on ebay, you shall be mine for the fraction of your real worth! (maniacal laughter).

On the up-side, the Coral light by David Trubridge is an absolute steal comparatively. At a sixth of the price of the Aloe, it gets the thumbs up. (Coral, Aloe...New Zealand designers must share an affinity with nature?) And a nice person called Eve left some good first-hand feedback about it, so I'm sold.

Here are some other realistically priced lights which caught my eye:

This Holmegaard glass fitting with teak cap was on ebay. Cute!

This one is from a chain store. Nice, modernist  shape.

 Same chain store. Jury is out on this one but it does remind me of the Moooi random light

This is from IKEA and is called the Glansa

I also had a look at the knock-off online shops, but I just don't know about this whole replica thing...Chain store lighting generally carry re-invented designer stuff as well. I'd prefer to buy old stuff which presents the issue of waiting and waiting for something that may never crop up.

Anyway, it pays to have an open mind. I'll let you know how I get on with the search for the ultimate light.


  1. Anita.. I think the first one is really cool looking!

    I hope you are able to find something you are really happy with!

    Big Hugs ~ Teresa

  2. I'm glad the coral light is looking positive - still the best of the bunch to my mind, though you have some more nice finds there.

  3. Don't do the IKEA one - my neighbour has it and it just looks like you've never taken your christmas lights down. I'm going back to Twitter later - there was a great blog, bugger forgotten the name, on making your own lights which I do alot too. Some were really cool. Hang on - I'm going to check it out - be right back!

  4. and click on 'blog.' heaps of really interesting options for lighting that you can use to inspire yourself to make your own. Wirings not that hard - trust me!! I've nearly finished making some lighting out of those old bedsprings.. Will be posting photos at the end of the month. If you like them I'll tell you how to make them.

  5. Well, speaking of lights, you won the lantern!!

    If you can email me at I'll arrange to get it sent out for you.

  6. I love the green one; such a 60's look to it!


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