
Friday 22 January 2010

Another thing ticked off the list

Our lounge room walls and ceiling are completely painted. Woo hoo!

A Marquesan tiki on antique Art Deco table which belonged to Jason's Nana 

We are just finishing off the french doors and frames in a gloss white. This is the really tricky part. We are never really happy with the results. Is there an easier way to get a perfect finish?

Jason also wall mounted our TV flush against one wall and last night put a floating shelf directly beneath for the DVD player (we don't have any other electronics. Gasp!).

I'm not sure I'm a big fan of this - it reminds me of a doctor's surgery waiting room...It does however keep the TV from the clutches of 19 month old Number 3 son who has octopus arms.

1960s Japanese art glass bowl teamed with Georg Jensen container and sea shell

We are really pleased with the light the white walls have given us in this previously dark and dingy lounge room.


  1. How fresh is it looking! Bet you are rapt and can't stop walking in there. Cool glass bowl too :)

  2. Love it! Love love. If I could do our renovation all over again I'd paint every damn thing white. There are no regrets with white.

  3. Such a nice change. The white really is so lovely!

  4. It looks great! So fresh and bright. Really terrific

  5. Bet you cannot believe after all these weeks that you finsished the walls. They look fantastic so fresh and light. Just love it. Sandy

  6. Wow, the white is a wonderful backdrop for your wonderful collection of mid century delights. cheers Katherine

  7. Thanks everyone for the nice comments!


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