
Friday 19 February 2010

Agapanthus Philanthropy

large agapanthus plants

Many thanks to Katherine from theoldboathouse who organised my agapanthus. She has a friend who is a keen gardener who was happy to share her plants. I'm extremely grateful for their kindness. Who knew people could be so nice?

I planted them all yesterday and have my fingers crossed they will grow and flower spectacularly.

Agapanthus are very easy to grow. They prefer full sun and are reasonably drought tolerant which is perfect for Brisbane's climate. They stay a glossy evergreen and flower beautifully over the summer months. I think these agapanthus are blue but I'm not sure. I guess I will have to wait until they next flower.

They also tend to multiply and clump together. To ensure they flower you have to give them plenty of room and de-clump regularly. And when you plant agapanthus you need to cut the leaves back slightly to ensure that the roots take.

They will look fab next to the agaves as they mature together.

agapanthus and agave attenuata in a row


  1. Oh wow, it's going to look great your garden :)

  2. Oh beautiful. I do find that gardeners are generally very generous of spirit and plant. They will look great.

  3. They will look spectacular Anita. It'll be fun to see what colour flowers you end up with, maybe a mixture?!

  4. Give them just a little time and they'll richly reward you. You know how much I love agapanthus!

  5. Hi Anita, They look fab, that was speedy planting! It was fun to see you again and have a peek at the beautiful home you are creating, hope we can catch up again soon, cheers Katherine

  6. Your agapanthus and agave look fabulous! I loved the comment you left on Saturday - I laugh every time I think about it! Leigh


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