
Sunday 21 February 2010

Outdoor lantern installed

Jason installed our freebie outdoor lantern this morning (thanks again to Maisie and more).

After checking that his life insurance was up-to-date, the green light was given to Jason for his first ever electrical job. Insisting that footwear be worn was another essential element to the job. I also double-checked that he did indeed turn the mains power off.

Despite Jason's generally poor adherence to occupational health and safety standards, I am happy to say I was not made a wealthy widow today.

The brand new shiny lantern looks good. Sadly, it also highlights that a serious external paint job (or, at the very least, a house wash) is required...

Brand new shiny light

Out with the old and in with the new


  1. So glad that there were no injuries when installing this fabulous light! It looks fantastic.

    Best wishes and happy Sunday,

  2. Well done! Looks fab, enjoy your Sunday, cheers Katherine

  3. Well done, Jason! You saved a life today, and the plot of a soap opera. And the light looks good!

  4. You can tick that off your list of things to do Anita. Isn't that a good feeling! The light looks great.

  5. How many men does it take to change a lightbulb?? ;-) Enjoy the painting now ... ooops! Did I really say that ? Looks great though. The job is DONE! (and so's mine ... Van Gogh wrapped up and sailing as from tomorrow's post AT LAST)

  6. It is the eternal conundrum of home improvement that once one thing is improved, everything surrounding it must then be improved as well; therefore the simple replacing of lamp becomes a lifelong occupation.

  7. Well, well done on first electical job - there will be no stopping him now!

  8. Your Lantern looks great Anita! Great Job Jason!! So glad you didn't get zapped! Whenever Brian does anything with electric in the house I get so nervous! I feel like leaving...

    Hope you guys had a Great weekend! We were busy painting again!

    Big Hugs ~ Teresa


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