
Sunday 20 June 2010

Just an update on things

This is a post about a few different things.

Firstly, Remodelaholic have featured our lounge room "Before and After" on their site today. Yay! Click here if you'd like to see it again.

Secondly, I found out our house was not chosen for the TV commercial I mentioned a few weeks ago. Boo Hoo! Apparently a Queenslander house in Ipswich was chosen. I kind of expected as much because they were looking for a very large lounge room with VJ (vertical join) walls. Our lounge room is not terribly large...However, we are still on the books for Queensland Film Locations, if ever another opportunity crops up.

Thirdly, I'd like to say thanks to Anna from Cornflake for the Buyster gift voucher I won through her giveaway. Yay! Her blog is about achieving chic style whilst being mindful of your budget - so very important in these post-GFC times. It's good to be thrifty when you can.

Anyway, I was thrilled to bits to have won. Thanks Anna!!

It was a hard decision to chose something from the many things sold at Buyster, but you'll all laugh at my final choice...

He's called James and hopefully he will arrive this week to adorn our bookshelf.

James the Bookend designed by Black + Blum

He'll be able to play with Jack and Jill who are in the front entry. It can never be said that we discriminate against little faux people around here.


  1. Got to love it! Your are such a quirky one! :-)

  2. Perfect, he will fit right in.

  3. Good to see James is holding up well;)
    Very cool. He should look great in your painted bookcase.

  4. James and Jack and Jill: admirable entirely. Would you accept a little papier maché statue of me to add to your collection of little faux people?

  5. What a great pick! James is perfect!! I have a perfect spot in my house for someone like him ;-)

  6. And they say people in Los Angeles are faux.

    Congrats on your new man.

  7. I think James will be a stand out kind a guy on your book shelf!!!

  8. He is fantastic and the red will look so good on your shelf, cheers katherine

  9. Congratulations on your win and on your feature! How exciting for you! What a shame about the commercial but you never know what will happen in the future! James is cute! Great choice. I still haven't made a decision. Too much choice! Have a great week! xx

  10. I just had a look at Remodelaholic..your room looks great, well done! Rachaelxx

  11. Love it. I actually have one in black, but he gets used for holding doors open which we really need around here. Yours looks a bit stronger than mine! xox

  12. James looks like fun :) Pity about the advert but ood that you are 'on the books'. I hope something comes of it.

  13. Great choice, I would have picked him too! Thanks for the Cornflake link. Going to check out your room at Remodelaholic now. Have a good week. Michelle

  14. I love James. I want a James at my house. Popping to buyster to find one of my own... Does he also drive home after a party?

  15. Gorgeous room/lounge...the light fixture is stunning!


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