
Saturday 19 June 2010

My style in one picture

I'm joining the action which is on the blog From the Right Bank. Ally's challenged her readers to define their style in one picture. And this is it.

image from here

There are no surprises here for those who have been reading my blog for a while.

I have modernist leanings which is reflected in my choice of decor for my home. (Unfortunately limited by money and restricted by the older timber and tin style home we own. But I'm trying hard despite all this!)

So why this room? Elegant slim line furniture, a sprinkling of art glass, wall mounted sideboard, clean uncluttered lines and natural light. It has many elements I love.

I would perhaps try to inject my own personality into this room with quirkier lamps and carefully selected objects d'art and a sublime Ray Crooke painting (in my dreams). But definitely with a focus that less is more.

Ray Crooke

Islanders c.1975
oil on canvas
image from here

Thanks Ally for hosting this challenge!


  1. great choice and very very you!!

  2. You are good to take this challenge, i find it too hard, I agree this room is So elegant and calm, it is very you but I agree needs a bit more art and maybe a touch more colour to be really you...have you seen the exorcist boy on desire to inspire yet.....very funny. So good to see you today, cheers Katherine.

  3. What a fabulous choice...I think it really is you...have a great weekend Kym X

  4. Nice challenge! I've joined too.

  5. I really, really want a Ray Crooke painting. I just LOVE his works. Pity about all those zeros on the price tag, eh? Yes, your image is you to a T, Very retro.

    Jennifer XX

  6. that is the freshest thing I have seen in a while. and that rug is awesome.....

  7. crikey! well done, don't think I could do mine in one pic!

  8. I am devoid of modernist leanings myself, but this picture make me see why you love it!

  9. Hi Anita, I think you have nailed the challenge. That room has your name on it! Hope you are having a great weekend!

  10. Wow-that picture has Anita written all over it! I am not sure if I could find a picture than sums up my style...I should have a look, though, as that sounds like a great challenge!

    Best wishes,

  11. Everyone has been saying how hard the challenge is - I know it was for me! - but I think it was way too easy for you. ;) And I think that's the point of the challenge - how well do you know your style? And you, my dear, definitely know! I've always loved mid-century couches like this one and that color is divine. Thanks so much for participating!

  12. Sleek, chic mid-century modern - love this + the punches of colour you've added! Perfect!

  13. such a cool choice. love it heaps and it is really original. great style darl! jx


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