
Monday 29 November 2010

Architecturally designed chocolate and giveaway!

The marriage of architecture and chocolate is heaven-sent for a design and food glutton like me.

When Nuffnang said they’d sponsor this post about the new Ferrero Online Boutique and the exquisite centrepiece designed by well-known Australian architect, Iain Halliday, I could hardly refuse.  

Ferrero Rocher by BKH Christmas Centrepiece makes a striking statement in a contemporary tablescape

It certainly puts the bling into Christmas décor...with a crunchy hazelnut centre!

I can see this centrepiece working extremely well in a stylish setting for Christmas cocktails or as sweets for a New Year’s Eve celebration.

Iain from BKH collaborated with Ferrero Rocher to design a series of gold revolving concentric shelves with integrated LED lighting (which does not melt the chocolate). It can hold 75 Ferrero Rocher pralines.

The amount of thought which went into making this centrepiece look extra fabulous impresses me. Good design is when form meets function and it certainly fits that category.

Design render for the Ferrero Rocher by BKH Christmas Centrepiece

Award-winning architectural firm BKH is synonymous with interior style and sophistication - they are the team behind the stunning Scanlan and Theodore Boutiques in Sydney and Melbourne and the gorgeous China Beach restaurant in Sydney.

China Beach restaurant by BKH

So, you see, the Ferrero Rocher by BKH Christmas Centrepiece comes with an impressive design pedigree.

There is a very limited number of Ferrero Rocher by BKH Christmas Centrepieces available. You can only order online from the Ferrero Boutique.

And I am saving the best news until have a chance to win your very own luxurious centrepiece!
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Yes, you do.

And you know you want it.

I know I do. What a great excuse to throw a party!

To enter, you need to leave a response on this post, describing how and where your new Ferrero Rocher by BKH Christmas Centrepiece will be used during this festive season.

The most imaginative response judged by Ferrero Rocher and Ian Halliday will win.

The Promotion commences Monday 29 November, 2010 until 5pm AEDST Monday 13 December, 2010. It is only open to Australian residents. Click on the terms and conditions for full details.

To get your creative motor running, here is my entry:

“It is dusk, the swimming pool is glimmering and the martinis are flowing. The Ferrero Rocher by BKH Christmas Centrepiece is sitting in the middle of a Saarinen tulip table, which is being used for the Christmas buffet. My happy guests, some with lampshades on their heads, are dancing the Watusi." 

Now, beat that my friends!

p.s Because I feel guilty about excluding my overseas readers, I will run another giveaway later this week open to everyone, everywhere.


  1. I give up already Brismod - your answer is beyond anything I could muster, despite knowing chocolate is involved! What a fabulous giveaway!

  2. Sarah, your response doesn't need to be a blatant lie like mine...Gosh, sitting in front of the telly and eating the 75 Ferrero Rochers is an entry in my books.

  3. Oh I love your answer it reminds me of the movie The party with Peter Sellers...if you haven't seen it you would really enjoy! Now I have to think...which is hard...very hard. Is there a word limit?

    As she entered the office Christmas party her eyes scanned the room and settled on the new mysterious member of the group...he was tall,elegant, sophisticated yet he had something more...he was shiny and holding an abundance of everyones favourite golden wrapped chocolates... Could it be? OMG YES it was.. THE Ferrero Rocher by BKH Christmas Centrepiece...and in that moment she new it was LOVE.

  4. Dammit raise the bar too high!

  5. It's gorgeous! If I won, mine would be used to bribe the children into silence while I do important things, like bake and read books :-)

  6. Hmmm as usual I have not read the details, at least this time I can blame my greed for all things chocolatey...can I do another try?

  7. My Ferrero Rocher by BKH Christmas Centrepiece would be hidden from view from the three kids, brought out under the cover of secrecy once they were tucked into bed for my husband and I to celebrate the season in style.

  8. thank you for including your international fans in another session. it just sucked the other way

  9. Oh I would love that! I am moving house before Xmas and then heading to the beach, so for me, it would be travelling to many places! LOVE!

  10. Its a fabulous giveaway but I cannot match your description. Mine will be a centerpiece for Christmas day lunch - just family only!

  11. I love Ferrero Rocher but my 5yo is allergic to nuts and most allergic to Hazelnuts which I find really ironic because my mums name is Hazelle and she is a little nutty. :grin:

    So I would sneak this most awesome Christmas decoration into my daughters school staffroom on the last day of school with a little anonymous thank you note to all the teachers and staff for their awesome work during the school year.

  12. On Christmas Eve, I would unwrap their Golden sheaths atop Gehry's glistening Guggenheim and then, in gluttonness rapture, would transport magically to the brown bricky goodness of Fallingwater where I would chomp on Ferrero's chocolate-hazelnutty iconicness!

  13. It would be a finely executed plan... I would take receipt of this beautiful Ferrero Rocher by BKH Christmas Centrepiece, smuggle it into my bedroom and carefully unwrap each delicious chocolate, making sure I don't damage the wrapping... I'd gobble down each and every one of them then carefully shape the wrappers back to look like nothing has happened to it. Come the big Christmas dinner with all the family I would place this stunning piece of architecture in the middle of the table, they would oooh and aaaah at it and the greedy uncle would make a grab for the first one. As his hand closes around it the wrapper would crumble beneath his fingers... "ooh," I'd say "they must have accidentally used Fer-air-o Rochers" and no one would ever know what really happened.

  14. Count me in but I can't compete with your fabulous story! ;-)

  15. The Ferrero Rocher by BKH chockie tree will take pride of place in the middle of my play pen. Prince (the frog), kiwi (the lamb), trumpet (the elephant) and lanky (the giraffe) will all be invited to Christmas lunch and we'll eat the lot! Oh, I might invite Mum and Dad too.

  16. It would take pride of place on my fold up camp table, on the beaches of Fraser Island. Of course, I would need to lock it in my tent with me of a night time so the dingoes don't get it.

  17. How deliciously wonderful would that be on christmas day! I am now your newest follower, I also have a new blog so please visit sometime and I'll send a little inspiration your way!

  18. This golden ball centerpiece will be placed on an alter as an offering to the gods (probably in the fridge so not to melt), and will be eaten by the Goddess Sonia, slowly, sure as to savour the multitude of layer goodness synonymous with a Ferrero.

  19. Our Ferrero Rocher by BKH Christmas centrepiece would be carried lovingly to my sisters house on xmas day (this years host) and placed on the large family table. 3 generations will be gathered around, enjoying fabulous food, exchanging beautiful presents and Oh, did I mention that the chocolates would be eaten before we got there? hehe, Tamara

  20. There is no way in the world I will be able to compete with these entries. I was just going to say that it would grace my buffet table for the Christmas Eve party I will be having. After years of teaching high school English I can't believe I am stuck for words...

    Best wishes always,

  21. I cannot compete.

    What I can say is that I will put it on the childrens table on Christmas Day (yes we are having a children's table due to vast numbers turning up on the day) and their eyes will glisten and glow with the magical wonder of a Ferrero Christmas. xoxo

  22. How weird!I'm sure I wrote to you already about this and going to target and looking t the Hallmark decs as they have one with Buzz and Woody. Go and have a look. Your little boy's eyes will pop out...

  23. well ... I've just started a new job so I'd take it to work on the 24 Dec, share the joy, add some champers and smoked salmon on french bread and toast the end of another working year ... that way I'm sure they'd love me as their new boss - hee hee le

  24. Gosh - so many great entries! And so many people willing to share!
    For me - the stunning Ferrero Rocher by BKH Christmas Centrepiece would be placed on my bedside table to act as a night light. All that gold yummy goodness shining bright, I could curl up in bed and blog surf for hours!
    Sadly of course it would only be for one night!! In the morning I would wake to a bed covered in empty wrappers and crumbs in the sheets :)

  25. (Sincere apologies to both Dickens and Bulwer-Lytton)

    It was a dark and stormy night before Christmas and all through the house; the rain fell in torrents--except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which swept up the streets (for it is in London that our scene lies), rattling along the housetops, and fiercely agitating the scanty flame of the lamps that struggled against the darkness. Not a creature was stirring, except for a mouse who was busily scoffing posh chocolates......To be continued

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Outside in the street, above the noise of the wind and rain, came the high pitched Doppler shifting whine of a turbo fan transitioning from horizontal to vertical flight. The windows rattled and floor hummed. The mouse looked up from the mess of gold foil and chocolate with alarm.

    Poor mouse, no sooner had time to wipe his chocolaty whiskers with the back of his tiny paw when the door burst suddenly open. Through the door rushed three figures with strangely disproportionately shaped heads and moving in the stilted manner of Watusi dancers.

    Poor mouse took flight and rushed for his mouse hole faster than Brismod can repurpose a beer bottle.

    Brains turned to Virgil and said

    “Thank God we have recovered the nose cone to Thunderbird 1 and retrieved the priceless and irreplaceable chocolate iridium fuel cells”

    Scott replied

    “I want to go and give Lady Penelope the good news”

    Virgil slowly pulled a wry smile, raised one eyebrow and said

    “So would I, Sunshine, so would I.....”

    To be continued......

  28. Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
    Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
    The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
    In the hopes that a Ferrero Rocher by BKH Christmas Centre Piece would suddenly appear.

    The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
    While visions of delicious hazelnut chocolate danced in their heads.
    And dadda in his nightgown and I in my cap,
    Both settled down for a Ferrero Rocher chocolate and chat xx

  29. In the hall of Lady Penelope’s Mayfair apartment stood a Mahogany Gossip Chair. Next to it, was a telephone, that only that morning, Parker had dusted and repositioned, perfectly centreing it on the wing.. Gring, gring. Gring, gring. Gring, gring.

    The phone rang.

    The phone rang out.

    At the other end Scott Tracey said.

    “Funny that?”

    Scott was not to know, that as it was Christmas, Lady Penelope was out engaged in her traditional routine of charity work.

    In addition to her intense commitment to ‘International Rescue’, throughout the year Lady Penelope would contribute financially to many many charities.

    During the season of Peace and Goodwill to all men, Lady Penelope would make an extra special effort to commit her time to ‘hands on’ work for worthy causes.

    So it was, that Lady Penelope found herself, that Christmas, down on the docks with Kate Middleton’s mother, doing favours for sailors.....

    To be continued.....

  30. The Forrero Rocher will end up as a Christmas Centerpiece in my father inlaws stomach as my chocolate labrador,Barry, has drooling shoelaces down the side of his mouth along with all the grandchildren. Thats ok, I'll prop it back up on the buffet table with Grandads cherry tomatos from his garden and know one will ever know!

  31. The Ferrero Rocher centrepiece would have to kept far away from the wandering paws of Ruby and then devoured quickly by myself or perhaps savoured slowly with others!

  32. The Ferrero Rocher by BKH Christmas Centrepiece sits in the centre of my enormous wooden outdoor table, flanked by two large vanilla scented candles in hurricane jars. J is at the BBQ frying thai flavoured prawn skewers, I'm in the kitchen preparing an enormous marmalade glazed ham. Our family and friends set around drinking champagne and beer and enjoy the cooling breezes on our fantastic new deck. After we're all fed and watered it's time to break into the ferrero rochers. Gold and brown wrappers are strewn across the deck, and we lean back in our chairs, replete.

  33. I think Mr Rooney is a very deep fellow...

  34. I think Mr Rooney is penning the great Australian Ferrero Rocher novel.

  35. “There is much to be done here, Penelope” said Carole as they strode through the wretched ranks of Sailors.

    “Yes” said Penelope, “So many of them seem to be affected by personal hygiene and or sexual health issues. I don’t know what we can do this yuletide season to lift their sagging spirits and perhaps ameliorate their condition. ...Is that cheese I can smell?”

    “Cheese” cried Carole. “That is it!

    We need to put on a Christmas buffet lunch for these men and a cheese platter would be the perfect start!

    We could set up here right under that container crane. With that in the background, the photos I take will have the perfect Industrial ambiance I am looking for. If I use the new ‘hope poster photo filter’ app in my iphone, I can put spectacular poster pictures up on my blog almost instantaneously. That would be funky, awesome and stylish.”

    Penelope stopped and put her hands to her hips. “You know” she started. “You are absolutely right, but because this is such a prehistoric male dominated workplace, I suppose we will have to find a man who knows the ropes, to help us.”

    “A nice clean man” Said Carole, archly.

    Penelope shook her head and looked up at the main mast of the tall ship berthed alongside and said.
    “Sometimes I think that they will bury you in a Y shaped coffin Carole”..............

    To be continued.

  36. It is 12 noon, the swimming pool is reflecting the sun onto our already pink noses, the VB and cask wine are flowing. The BBQ buffet lunch is slowly festering in the sun, perched atop an old fold-up card table. The Ferrero Rocher by BKH Christmas Centrepiece, now devoid of the multitude of individually wrapped chocolate nuggets'o'heaven, is tucked under my arm as I use the pointy end to keep my feral sister-in-law in line. My 'happy' guests, some with discarded VB cartons on their heads, have passed out on the Sir Walter.

    Merry Christmas :-)

  37. Down from the tall ships rigging swung a man on a rope wearing a Beatles T Shirt, a pair of thongs and a stainless steel Papermate PhD pen clenched between his teeth.

    “Ahoy posh totty” He shouted, as he let go of the rope and landed only a metre away from Penelope and Carole.

    He bowed deeply and waved his shimano fishing cap with a flourish and said “Boyter, Captain Boyter
    I heard someone mention ropes and I’m your man”

    He nodded at Penelope.

    “Your safety word will be Bacardi”

    He winked at Carole and said

    “Yours will be breezer. I’ve got a friend with a gimp room. It’s very retro; you’re going to love it. Lot’s of 70’s crushed velour and the last waterbed left in captivity, let’s go!”

    He strode purposely off towards the main gate, Carole a step behind.

    “Wait” shouted Penelope

    “We’re supposed to be organising a Christmas lunch” She said in exasperation.

    “All right!” said Captain Boyter’.
    “You’ll be wanting to be having a Venezuelan BBQ”

    “A Venezuelan BBQ? Is that one of those horns that they blow at South African Soccer matches?”asked Carole quizzically.

    “No.” replied Captain Boyter.
    “It is a BBQ in the form and style adapted by the good people of Venezuela. Its ace, you’ll love it and it goes hand in hand with my plan to reintroduce the splade.

    Gather around and listen....”

    Meanwhile on the tropical island headquarters of International Rescue, Brains was working atop scaffold to refit the nose cone of Thunderbird 4.

    “How’s it going?”
    Cried Scott

    “No good”
    Replied Brains

    “Buy British, buy bad. This is no different to any other British Industrial product manufactured in the 1960’s. It doesn’t work.

    I can’t get this thing to bolt on. You’d assume it was imperial but it’s not, I’ve tried bloody Whitworth too and it’s not that. It couldn’t possibly be metric. I’m running out of ideas”

    “What about the Greek Goddess Araldite “, Suggested Scott......

    To be continued

  38. Mr Rooney, I swear you've ghost written a few airport novels...are you Dan Brown?

  39. i would so love to win this for Christmas. We have 8 adults and 14 kids coming to stay and this would fit perfectly on my dinner table and make me the best host ever! naomi x

  40. Scott said
    “Brains, you know we are going to have to call Lady Penelope?”

    “You’re right,
    I’ll get my iphone and get her on face time.” Replied Brains

    “Hello Lady Penelope, it’s Brains.”

    “Hi Brains what’s happening.”

    “Well, try as we might, the nose cone for Thunderbird4 that we picked up from your place doesn’t fit. It’s got a metric thread and all.”

    Lady Penelope was perplexed. “I don’t know how you could have picked it up from my place because it is in the boot of the Rolls. Parker is taking it in to get the iridium fuel cells recharged. Hold the phone up and give me a look at what you’ve got.”

    “Here you go Lady Penelope.” Brains said, as he held the phone camera up to view.

    “Oh!” Groaned Lady Penelope.
    “That’s not the bloody nosecone from T’bird4, it’s the bloody BKH centrepiece full of Ferrero Rocher chocolates, that is to be the highlight of our Christmas lunch for cheesy sailors.

    Is your first name ‘shitfer’?

    Get it over here now!”

  41. like you said, what a perfect excuse to throw a party. mine would be on new year's eve & all its magic.

  42. Lady Penelope hung up the phone and turned to Captain Boyter.

    “Now. What’s so special about a Venezuelan BBQ?”

    “Well.” said Captain Boyter.” A Venezuelan BBQ is great for party people. Your meat, say a nice piece of rump, is cooked on the plate, in the usual manner, but just prior to serving the ‘tong master’ cuts it up into bite sized pieces.

    That way you can stand and eat, holding the plate in one hand and your splade in the other. Even eating from a paper plate in your lap, is no problem. If you are Italian and sitting at a table you can still have one hand free to gesticulate wildly. Brilliant it is!

    Put on a BBQ, get a few festive Mai Tai’s into them, assign a couple of them to the barrel roster and they’ll be happier than a dog with two tails.”

    “I can certainly see how having a hand free could be an advantage.” said Carole as she squeezed the Captains knee.

    “Let’s do have a Venezuelan BBQ.

    We can all pitch in and help. Penny can dress the tables, you’ll cook the Barbie and I’ll toss the salad”

    To be continued............................

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Why! have you not heard of the MMMMMmmmmmmmmmm effect!

    Warning you WILL be next!

    Oprah is in town and if you have not heard of the Oprah effect then you have been living on a deserted island as currently affecting millions of Australians is the Oprah effect, the overwhelming joy, happiness and satisfaction of being in or near the presents of Oprah. Undeniably the same can be said for the Ferrero Rocher effect currently infiltrating millions of Australian homes in the lead up to Christmas and to be hooked to forever more.

    How does this effect occur you may wonder?

    As simply as turning on the TV to become engulfed by the Oprah effect it is as simple as being given a Ferrero Rocher and unwrapping the delicate gold wrapping and taking a mouthwatering bite of the ultimate delight! Shortly followed by this you can hear the effect taking hold, MMMmmmmmm the person will say in response when asked if they like it, as it would be a crime to stop and make actual word communication while savoring the textures and tastes of the heavenly delight.

    Signs of The MMMMmmmmmmm effect taking hold of someone can be visually seen by the following symptoms...

    1. Once consumed the eyes will proceed to widen and almost seem to pop out as the person tastes and enjoys the holly ball of deliciousness!

    2. The eyes will flutter slightly and close partially or completely and the head will rock back into a relaxed position

    3. The jaw with slow as the chewing continues to savour all flavours.

    4. The entire body will relax and flop in response to the satisfaction their brain and mouth are receiving.

    5. Drool may be released from the corners of the mouth in response to this relaxation.

    6. A loud yet distinctive satisfying MMMMmmmmmm will follow and continue until all is consumed.

    7. These symptoms will continue as the person will uncontrollably reach for another Ferrero Rocher and once unwrapped the symptoms will be seen again.

    DO NOT PANIC! This person has been affected by the MMMMMmmmmmmm effect and will recover in time but this may be after several long uncontrollable sessions with several boxes of Ferrero Rocher.

    Is there a cure to this effect?

    Simply, NO! Once tasted a person will be hooked for life and will in turn affect others around them. It IS NOT unusual to hear a entire household in bouts of MMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmm on any given day of the year, particularly in the Christmas period.

    The only solution to the MMMMMMmmmmmmm effect is to keep the pantry and fridge stocked at all times with copious amounts of Ferrero Rocher's!

    The Ferrero Rocher by BKH Christmas Centrepiece will be used in our household this Christmas to affect anyone who enters the house with The MMMMMmmmmmmmmmm effect and make everyone in the neighbourhood lean out their windows wondering what is happening in our house thus they will be seduced by the sound and come to investigate. Then the entire neighbourhood will be heard to make loud MMMMMmmmmmmm noises over Christmas, New Years and the Year to come...

  45. Dressed in his best Bermuda shorts and wearing a plan white Nautica polo shirt, Captain Boyter stood up from the barrel he was working on, holding a brace and bit in his strong tanned hands.

    “There, finished” he said with some satisfaction.

    He looked over his shoulder and took in the scene around him. The sun was already high and glittered merrily on the slight swell that lapped against the quay. High up on the gantry cranes, birds wittered musically. A queue of seafarers was beginning to form. Smiles of anticipatory delight could be seen everywhere.

    A long row of trestle tables dressed in Sagamore linen stretched in front of the waiting sailors. Reflecting the simple ethos of the Venezuelan BBQ, the table was set with Dansk China in the ‘fjord’ pattern. The flatware, in a similarly austere, yet fun, vein consisted of a single splade.

    The waiting staff was in the process of laying out Bundaberg Rum, ‘Mai Tais’, appropriately served, in London dock glassware. Shining jewels of condensation were forming as the chill of the shaved ice met the thin waft of the onshore breeze.

    A dot on the horizon grew in size as Thunderbird 2 screamed in at an altitude of half a wingspan. Thousands of litres of Pacific brine churned, curled and plumed behind and skywards, caught in the twin maelstrom of rocket vortex and ground effect. Travelling at a little under Mach 1, it was seen well before it was heard.

    With a whistling roar Thunderbird 2 hurtled overhead. The beads of condensation forming on Lady Penelope’s glassware disappeared; blown away in a micro spray, as Thunderbird 2 pulled a rate one turn, into the wind to hover above.

    A ventral hatch opened as the speakers mounted in the sponsons blared into life with an ear splitting rendition of Orff’s ‘O Fortuna’

    Attached to a stainless steel winch wire, the BKH table centrepiece emerged from the hatch. Gold sparkled from the high summer sun, reflecting from the Ferrero Rocher wrapping foil, as it twisted earthwards on the cable. A low voltage wire provided power to BKH’s integral led lights, which created an ethereal shimmer in the near noon day sun. The effect of the light was enhanced by Virgil crouched beside the hatch playing T'bird 2’s directional landing lights on the praline payload. The effect of the tritium diode arc lamps made it appear that sparks were flying from the centrepiece.

    At the precise moment that the BKH centrepiece, with its precious cargo of Ferrero Rocher chocolates, contacted the centre table, Scott deftly flicked the switch that released the electro magnet, retrieved the winch wire and pushed the throttles through the gate.

    From the speakers came T’Bird2’s special Christmas breakaway music, ‘Dona Nobis Pacem’, from Bach’s mass in B minor.

    “Nice one Lady P” Said Captain Boyter as he nodded in the direction of the rapidly receding green bulk of the Thunderbird. He picked up his tongs and casually flicked a 30 Oz rump on the sizzling plate.

    “What’s that in your pocket?” said Lady Penelope as she reached for a red lacy piece of fabric. Lady Penelope extracted a pair of Lise Charmel’s more racier numbers from Captain Boyter’s pocket

    "Care to explain?” said Lady Penelope

    “Sure.” Said Captain Boyter. “I was just getting into the spirit of Christmas”

    “However do you mean?” replied Lady Penelope.

    Boyter cracked a grin, winked and said.
    “Why they’re Carole’s of course.”


Love to read your comments