
Wednesday 1 December 2010

Our backyard in a TV Commercial?

Our Queenslander backyard with cubby house and sandpit.
Captain Boyter made our sandpit cover

Could this backyard be in a TV commercial?

Yesterday, I received a telephone call from Nat Duncan at Queensland Film Locations who said our place was one of several shortlisted for a half-day shoot for a pizza ad.

If the house is selected, the backyard will be used to film a cricket game mid next week. Wouldn't it be great?

So, I raked the leaves, swept under the deck and picked up all the kid's toys. Everything looked very respectable (Note to self: I should do that more often). 

I even watered the lawn and threw down some lawn food for extra measure after seeing Make mine Mid-Century's lawn (Note to self: I only have to feed the lawn every three months).

The ad producer and photographer visited us this morning, just to frame up the shots, but they didn't stay long so maybe that means it's a no go. Boo hoo!

I've probably jinxed it again by mentioning it on the blog, like I did with the last TV ad...I do hope we get would be heaps of fun and the extra dollars would be handy too.

p.s Please don't forget my Christmas giveaway. The Ferrero Rocher by BKH Christmas centrepiece is worth $375 and would be a great treat for your Christmas festivities. Your odds of winning it are seriously very good! CLICK HERE TO ENTER


  1. What a fantastic cubby, what haven't I seen this before? I have to say, your lawn looks fab, ours is 92% weeds, which while green, are not very nice.
    Good luck with the advert!

  2. This is an advert worthy yard if I ever saw one. That green lush grass is ripe for a game of cricket. Good luck I hope your garden is shot to superstardom and that you reel in the cash. My garden is a great advert for weed killer or new turf. I'd like to be on backyard blitz!

  3. YOu have a seriously neat back garden. Amazing. And I LOVE the way the cubby house is in Queenslander style. xo

  4. Good luck with the advert Anita, I hope your backyard gets the 'gig' - it really is so nice and neat with lovely lawn. ;-)

  5. Yey, how exciting, strange I was only thinking about the lovely Nat recently Oh and BTW....don't forget my commission...ha, cheers Katherine

  6. Cool! Good luck! I hope you are picked :)

  7. ohhh sounds fab - your back yard is special so make sure you get a good fee best le

  8. Oh and I meant to add I spy another ROONEY....( in your followers ha) cheers Katherine

  9. Your backyard is perfect, good luck winning the ad, how very exciting!!

  10. Thanks everyone for being so sweet. I still haven't heard, so someone must have a better cricket-playing, pizza-eating lawn than ours...
    Katherine, I did notice the other Rooney appear. A big hello to the former Miss Rooney and to all the other new readers. xx

  11. How exciting, you may still hear back from them. Your backyard looks so tidy and the lawn looks fabulous! xx

  12. it looks pretty cute from here!! hope they pick you

  13. How exciting, Captain Boyter and Mr Rooney could be extras.

  14. Fingers crossed. Are they paying in pizza or dough? Sorry :)

  15. Ha!I haven't heard anything, so no pizza or dough for me!! Maybe next time, we'll be lucky. xx


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