
Tuesday 9 November 2010

Florence cushions and a thank you

All my Florence Broadhurst cushions, kindly donated by the fabulous Jo from Desire to Inspire, have been sewn and stuffed. 

I outsourced the sewing to my beautiful friend N, who did not get cross with me when I pinned all the zips incorrectly. She took pity and showed me how it should be done.

There are so many cushions!! I've read that it is a sin to "undercushion" in Blogtopia, so this will rectify the situation somewhat. So, if you can undercushion, surely you can overcushion?

Lots of Florence Broadhurst cushions

N slaving away at the sewing machine

And a big thank you to Make mine Mid-Century  for the parcel I received in the post. I won her giveaway to celebrate her 100 readers. Way to go MmMC!

MmMC writes an hilarious blog about her love for mid-century (she has great Bitossi ceramics pieces, by the way), family fun and studying law.

In my parcel, there was a cool red bracelet by ruby luxe which I love. Red is my colour of choice for my accessories. How did you know? I also received The Little Prince which I am ashamed to say I have never read. And a cute little badge to pin on my hoodie!

Don't you love the Eames chair stamped on the card? Very stylish! Thanks so much again!!

The bounty.
I would flunk hand model school but gee that's a cute bracelet.


  1. Love the cushions, they are perfect on the couch. I didn't know about the sin of under cushioning. Will rectify immediately! Sin is a recurring theme in this here blog lately. Wicked!

  2. Fantastic package and the cushions look great. Yes you can over cushion I suppose but you definitely haven't. Good for cushion dungeons too.

  3. Nooo, there is never too many cushions....just a need to move some cushions elsewhere if you can't sit or lay down....

  4. never too many cushions when they look this fab! and nice package too, i used to love the little prince, looks so cool in a penguin cover!

  5. Definitely not over-cushioned, indeed still very sitable (sittable?), and those chic cushions really suit the spare lines of your furniture. Blogtopian friends are the best.

  6. Old Saint Ex and 'The Prince' Eh?

    Whatever did happen to the Novella? At the time I read ‘The Prince’, which would have had to have been in the early ‘70’s, the world was awash with them.

    The Prince was pretty typical of the type of ‘Spiritual literature’ that was foisted upon us by earnest, yet hip, Catholic educators. I remember sitting through a cassette recording of Richard Burton, reading it in class as well. I vastly preferred Nick M’s version.

    At least ‘The Prince’ was better or perhaps less cringe worthy than its novella stable-mate at that time, the exorable, ‘Jonathon Livingstone Seagull’. I think I could punch Richard Bach in the face all day and I reckon my arm would never get tired.

    In 1970, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn had won the Nobel Peace Prize as a result of this, his 1962 Novella ‘A day in the life of Ivan Denisovich’ was wildly popular, maybe because it was so much shorter than the Alex‘s alternative work, which was the massive ‘The Gulag Archipelago’ – ‘A day in the life...’ was a marvelous read, and of course is a fantastic primer for the greatest novella of the twentieth century, Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’.

    The most controversial movie of 1972 was ‘A clockwork Orange’ I wasn’t allowed to see the movie but I could read the novella. I did. I didn’t get it. Go figure!

    I didn’t really get Steinbeck’s ‘Of Mice and Men’ the first time I read it either. I thought that at its essence, it was a cautionary tale, not to hang around with stupid people. Good advice anyway you look at it.

    The best thing about iphones, if you are a dag, is that you can stream am radio off the net. This means you can listen to Radio National on a mobile phone for the first time. On Sunday, when I was at school welding port racks, I was listening to Airplay and they did a terrific radio play of ‘OM&M’. It will be repeated on Thursday night at 7.00 pm and is well worth catching.

    Remember. Don’t hang out with stupid people. They will do something stupid and then you will have to shoot them. In the face.

    Bring back the novella.

    Mr Rooney

  7. Goodness, Mr Rooney!

    My husband mentioned hearing 'OM&M' on the wireless and asked me if I'd buy it for him. I'm now reticent to do so! I might just buy him a Readers Digest.

  8. Oh how lucky to win such a lovely prize. We were chatting about how many bed cushions people have on the Decorating Forum. I am like you it appears I have undercushioned and need to fix the situation. Your cushions look gorgeous and not too much:)

  9. Mr Rooney, your take on OM&M is gold. I did not realise you were so well-read. Toned and spritely, yes, but well-read never crossed my shallow mind. x

  10. There is no end to the list of things that Mr Rooney can do is as there is no end to the list of things he has done, a true Renaissance man, cheers Katherine. PS Brismod you now have my mother asking when she comes over "Is there anything on Tony on your friend's blog I can look at?"...ha, cheers Katherine

  11. Yes I need to proof read my comments, delete the "is" and I forgot to say the cushions look fantastic!

  12. N is displaying some sewing prowess, and the cushions look fab on your lounge. Certainly not over-cushioned! Jeepers Mr Rooney is my new favortite book reviewer, certainly unorthodox wanting to punch the author all day, but passionate nevertheless.

  13. Paddy went for a job as a labourer on a London building site.

    The foreman said “I bet you can’t tell a girder from a joist”

    Paddy said “Of course I can, Joyce wrote 'Ulysses' and Goethe wrote 'The sorrows of young Werther',

    Now,as it happened, young Werther shot himself. In the face!”

    Thank you, I’ll be here all week.

    Mr Rooney

  14. sweet cushions!
    mr rooney rocks.... i need one just like him

  15. The cushions look fabulous, you have a great friend to sew them all up for you and congrats on the win, my colour of choice for my accessories at the moment is red too! xx

  16. The cushions are fab - they're perfect in your room. You are so neat, no piles of papers, magazines toys...unlike my lounge room :)
    Great giveaway win too, love that red bracelet!

  17. Love the cushions - no you can never have too many! Congratulations on your winnings - MmMC has a great blog. Have to confess I have never read The Prince either. Michelle

  18. Your cushions look PERFECT, good thing you have stopped sinning in the cushion department, LOL!!
    i love the covers on the penguin books these days, they make for such an awesome display!!

  19. You have been busy with cushions too, they look great Anita. So lucky to have a friend who can sew. ;-)


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