
Friday 26 November 2010

A medley of cool things

We have a busy, busy weekend planned and before I forget,  I just wanted to show some recent purchases which have put a smile on my dial.

Ha! I bet you're jealous of the Teletubbies bedding. Number 2 Son's; not mine!
My clever friend, Melissa from Seamstress and the Daughters, made this flour sack pillow. I never thought I'd buy a flour sack made into a pillow, but I could not pass up on the "Brisbanecentric" theme of this pillow.

Who needs Belgian flour sacks when you can have Brisbane ones!

Love, love, love my new book.
I bought Iconic Australian Houses 50/60/70 by Karen McCartney from Book Depository. It was THE book to buy for Modernists last Christmas. I'm behind the times, but better late than never.

Murano style bud vase

And a while ago when I was at the flea market, I picked up this gaudy Murano-style bud vase (probably made in Japan). Isn't it the most gorgeous colour?

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. That's a wonderful medley of affordable additions to your home.

    And, as always, it's impeccable and pristine!

    Tellytubbies are very cool - he's obviously a sweet little boy.

  2. I love that cushion. You always manage to find the most brilliant local goodies. Thanks for introducing me to Melissa!

    Hope you have a great weekend.

    Best wishes,

  3. Loe all your cool things, that pillow rocks. Sandy xx

  4. Are you sure the teletubbies aren't really yours?
    Love all your goodies! A great reason to smile indeed.

  5. Great week of purchases. I always found the teletubbies strangely soporific - good choice for bed linen!

  6. Love the book, It'd be one I'd buy too. Those bud vases (in the colour you have) look great with peacock feathers in them.

  7. Excellent 3 very good pick ups and yes I love the Brisbaness (nearly a word) of the flour sack.

  8. Love the flour sack - gorgeous!! That book looks like a good read... And then there's those VJs of yours... Wow, do you think if someone broke down our comments to each other over the last couple of years, they would find that at least 87% contained the word 'VJ'?

  9. Ahh. Sigh. That novel use of a local sack is brilliant. Love it. And isn't Book Depository the best?! I just received my first purchase from them today - I may have to go back to look for yours now ☺. J x

  10. Very cool things and great finds! The book looks like a really interesting read. Pam x

  11. Sorry I have been slack with the old comments, sometimes I wonder where the days go, I saw that book and thought of you just the other day. The cushion is very fun, hope you have a good weekend, cheats Katherine

  12. I love the cutie next to the cushion and so would my girls!!! Have a lovely weekend. Emma. xx

  13. Another reason the Ipad likes to change words, ie cheers to cheats, it loves changing peoples names too I left a comment for someone called trish and it changed it to trash...not good! hope you are having a good weekend, CHEERS Katherine

  14. I am loving the vase - too cool - you lucky thang you :) le

  15. That cushion really is cool, as is the Murano vase--I have a green one that used to belong to my grandmother kicking around which I haven't used yet; I should find a spot for it. I bet that book has amazing interiors candy in it which would make me depressed about the size of our apartment, haha!

  16. The flour sack pillow is beautiful, and it conceals all the more of those teletubby blighters.

  17. Wow that cushion totally rocks!!! what else does she make? I bet she's really cool too....


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