
Wednesday 24 November 2010

Casement window frames

Mr Rooney, our sensitive new-age builder, set up a temporary joinery workshop in our carport this week.

He's been busily building frames for our new old timber windows - by far the best option for installing windows in the "out of square" sunroom.

Timber casement window built into a frame

He's planning to recycle the existing window sills too. They are in good condition and hardwood. Mr Rooney told me that we would be saving an orangutan in the Borneo forest by recycling our existing timber rather than buying the new stuff.

He's a deep thinker for a man with rather nice thighs.

Mr Rooney thinking deeply.
He's like Eldin the philosopher/ painter from Murphy Brown. Remember?

I don't envy him this job though. It looks tedious but he's got a radio to keep him company.  I also wasn't game to offer Mr Rooney lunch or a cup of coffee today, because yesterday he started to feel nauseous and went home sick. He said he was alright up until I offered to make him a sandwich...the thought just made him ill!

Anyway, he's back on track and doing a very fine job.

p.s  Just Martha from Jelly Shane has a dilemma concerning some strange markings on her timber floors. She thought Mr Rooney would know the answer and I forgot to ask him today...Have you any idea Mr R?


  1. Can't have Mr Rooney come-over all queasy ... it looks extremely hot out there in the sun ... and that's syntheticy looking garb he's in ... those ankle protectors would be a bit stifling.

    I suspect there's some heat stroke involved.

    Mr Rooney may really need to sit on a chair and have a cold bucket of water tipped over him! I'd put the electric drill device down first, though.

  2. What radio station does he listen to?

    And ask him whether he thinks repetitive thoughts whilst performing repetitive tasks. I do and am not sure if it is just me.

  3. There are a lot of things I don’t know too much about.

    What I do know is that Kath from ‘Theoldboathouse’ knows way more about timber and clear finishes than I do.

    Here’s my take and if Kath contradicts it; she’s right. I’m wrong:

    The apparent bleaching of the floor, in my view, isn’t what it seems. The Queensland sun is harsh. Really harsh. A good clear finish with added Ultra Violet inhibitors (Think expensive and then double it) when used outside is going to last five years tops before it starts to break down. When it breaks down it first starts to darken and then bubble.

    What I think has happened here, is that UV from the sun has started to break down the internal clear finish (No UV inhibitors) turning it a darker colour. This has left the ‘footprint’ of the bedside table in the original shade it was finished in. This contrasts with the surrounding UV darkened boards.

    I’ve got my fingers crossed that Kath will tell you that clear finishes (of all types) get darker with age.

    As a beside.

    I bet that floor was marketed as ‘Tasmanian Oak’.

    Taint no such thing.

    ‘Tasmanian Oak’ is akin to ‘Sea Perch’ insomuch that neither actually exists in nature.

    I was gutted when I learnt that ‘Sea Perch’ was actually ‘Golden Roughy’. (Google it I dare you.) It is an exceptionally ugly fish. I bet if you knew how ugly it was you wouldn’t eat it.

    Next task. Go find a Tasmanian Oak tree. Same, same. There is no Tasmanian Oak tree, in the same sense that there is no Melamine Tree.

    Bloody clever these marketers, eh what?

    There are good solid economic reasons why joinery was made out of Cedar, Silky Oak and let’s not forget the Oregon imported from the USA West Coast. (God bless America) in the 20’s and 30’s. If you get to work with Silky Oak, as I did today, with a razor sharp chisel, the pragmatic considerations are transcended.

    It looks good, it smells good and you can craft it.

    Sensible people, if they care about timber, then give it an oil based primer and two top coats of the best acrylic paint they can afford. Preferably in Sun Smart white.

    If you get to choose what you use in new sawn timber, choose locally harvested ‘Spotted Gum’. It is a real species, harvested sustainably, from forests in the South Burnett up to Mackay. Lot’s of jobs there. It is an awesome timber, more dense than the highly esteemed teak, its waxiness adds to its durability. It is awesome to look at, but better, if you treat it right (Oil based primer and two quality acrylic top coats) It will still be giving good service in a hundred years time.

    Every time you choose Kwila or Yellow Balau, an Orangutan dies.

    What goes on in PNG and Indo forests today, is rape on a scale that hasn’t occurred since the Red Army boys waltzed into Berlin in late 1945.

    When I’m working on my own I listen to Radio National. It gives me something to disagree with, which is somewhat akin to being in a real workplace. With people in it.

    Brismod’s coffee is actually quite good. Very, very good.

    I love my wife more than life itself. I'm hoping she reads this too. ;)

  4. I meant to say. Eldin enough for you :P

  5. Great recycling the windows, Mr Rooney sounds good enough to be recycled too!What a gem!

  6. Well, having read Mr Rooney's response, what do I call my Tas Oak floors..eucalypt? Or maybe one hundred years ago there actually was a Tasmanian Oak tree but it has died out due to all this early 20C home building. Nah..
    There'll be a few upset ladies out there today with the revelation that Mr R is a taken man :)

  7. What a patient man to re-do all of those windows for you - got to love that! ;-)

  8. Mr Rooney needs a think bubble, and it could be a best caption contest. Those windows are definitely a labour of love, and I admire that you're persevering, apart from the environmental benefits, you're retaining a sense of historical integrity. It's great!
    PS - I've been to Borneo and spent time with the orangutans. Sometimes I think why reno? rather pack up and travel. Ah family life in the 'burbs.

  9. PS - Mr Rooney is very interesting and factual. I was on board the Tassie Oak train, now disembarked. Great heads up on the Sea Perch too.

  10. Mr Rooney agrees with my stance on Kwila! Go Mr Rooney! Kwila should be banned, with the exception of the stuff that is certified, genuine 100 percent authentic plantation... if it in fact exists, which seems debatable.

    Down with Kwila!!! (Disclaimer: My deck is made of Kwila, which my husband assured me was plantation before it was built - to be fair I think he genuinely believed it was. Stupidly, I took him at his word and didn't google it until after it was built. Now I feel orangutan blood on my hands every time I sit out there. True story)

  11. Yep, you're right, Mr Rooney - the "golden roughy" is particularly ugly. Completely hilarious!

  12. Mr rooney is certainly a catch, does he build in NSW as well!!

  13. I'm not a big reader but if Mr Rooney was to write a book I believe I would devour it cover to cover. Such eloquence, such knowledge...
    Back on topic, your windows are going to be amazing Anita :o)

  14. Love casements, we chose that style. They're not as pretty as yours though..Rachaelxx


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