
Monday 22 November 2010

Home advice for Santa

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I’m not afraid to give décor advice to the Prime Minister or the Federal member for Kennedy and I’m certainly not afraid to give it to the man in the red suit.

Listen here, Santa.


Dear Santa,

The media have us believe you live in a cosy country cottage in the snow, surrounded by Arts and Craft style furniture and cutesy stuffed toys as decorative objects.  It can’t be all myth, surely?

For crying out loud, it’s nearly 2011, Santa! And it is no way for a grown man to live (without people getting suspicious).

Seriously, you need to move house. Keep the North Pole cottage as your business premises because I appreciate you’ve got work to do...just get yourself a funky pad in the off-season.

Move to Queensland. There are some really affordable homes there, because it’s a buyer’s market.
I’m thinking a modernist home for you, maybe in Tarragindi or, if you have cash to splash, the Gold Coast.

A 1960s flat-roof open plan bungalow with a swimming pool and a tiki bar would be my pick – Palm Springs resort style. Yeah!

Your furniture should be Danish Mod and have sharp clean modern lines like in Mad Men. Also keep the cutesy toys to a minimum and control yourself with the holly, please.

Contender for Santa’s Palm Springs style home

Did you know, such is the concern about where you should buy your next place, there’s a ‘Help Santa Find a Home’  competition?

Yeah that’s right. There’s a daily clue on Facebook and Twitter to help people search for your next house. When they think they’ve found your house, they need to submit it to For their efforts, they can win one of five $500 Myer Gift Cards from

Real estate stalkers, like me, can enter daily to increase their odds of winning!

Santa, I wonder what kind of home you’ll end up buying... Tell me, am I on the right track? Is Modernism your thing or are you a Bo-ho vintage kinda’ guy?

Hugs and kisses

Brismod x

p.s We totally loved your open house inspection video. You rocked the lotus position on the Balinese-style day bed.

p.p.s. We’ve all been extra nice this year too. We’d love a new bathroom, please. xx


  1. Excellent, hilarious advice!

    He'd need a sleigh port to house the sleigh ... and a lawn for the you-know-whats to graze.

  2. Love that advice!!! Love that house too. IT's sensational.

  3. yeah, unfortunately I have the feeling a lot of people would want Santa to have a all-very-white shabby chic style pad (insert spew here, complete with triple garage for the sleigh. Groan!

  4. Santa's accent is mixed up! He certainly needs something tropical, and I'm hearing you on the bathroom request. I've been fairly good.

  5. Where'd my message go? Hmm..
    Me three with the bathroom request! I just love the Palm Springs home, uber cool, just like Santa!!

  6. He He He!! After finding him such cool digs I do believe he would be a lousy Santa to not indulge your wishes with that new bathroom.
    heres hoping all of your chrissy wishes come true!!!

  7. Ha! Thanks for the comments.
    Kitty, I have a feeling that most people will try to find Santa a beach house. Hopefully a little fibro shack down the coast...

  8. flipping hilarious, i want santa to live in palm springs!!

    and if he's giving away bathrooms, can i get two if i'm awfully good?! {emphasis on awful!}x

  9. Too funny - you always give me a laugh!! The house you suggested is gorgeous - can just imagine Santa at the tiki bar! Michelle

  10. Love it. Perfect read at the end of a long tiring day. Hilarious

  11. im free to house-sit for him while hes in work season.
    tiki bar is definitely for me

  12. I would sooo love a modernist house in Palm Springs. It's a frequent fantasy for me. If I were so blessed, Santa could be my permanent guest - - provided he keeps his cutesy to himself.


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