
Tuesday 14 December 2010

Fellow bloggers

Ana from Travelling with Ana paid us a visit today.

She's a pretty groovy chick. I think she may be one of Fun and VJs' youngest readers. She is pure cuteness and we get along like old pals.

Ana coordinating nicely with the furniture on our deck

And because she is such a mover and shaker, she brought along a new Brisbane blogger on the scene - Fiona from The Self-Raising Kitchen. She's another groovy chick.

Veteran blogger Ana gave Fiona and I a few blogging tips, while she was here. One can learn a lot from an 11 month old. Isn't that right, Fiona?

Appropriately, Fiona brought along these cupcakes in miniature for our gourmet pleasure.

Fiona's blog is brand spanking new and it's about her gastronomical-educational adventures (and she is a great writer by the way).

Her first post includes a very cool Thai Green Curry paste recipe which would make a thoughtful Christmas gift for your foodie friends.

I'm going to give it a try because we have a family Christmas dinner this weekend and I always like to include "homemade" into the gift equation.

Anyway, I hope you will all give Fiona a warm welcome.


  1. oh yes. Am heading over there now. By the way your deck balcony thingy looks amazing with that white paint. When Jason does the front you will have to redo your blog header ! !

  2. Ana does look fabulous on the deck! Her colours are just perfect ... and a tad festive.

    Thanks for introducing a fresh new blog!

  3. That's one cute looking babe. Now I'm off to be inspired by culinary my kitchen is not functional at the moment I need to live vicariously :)

  4. Your deck looks perfect for the Summer!! Good luck with the family Christmas dinner. We are not hosting any Christmas events this year (for a change) which seemed like a good idea at the time but we feel a ittle 'out-of-it' now...oh well there is always next year!

  5. Thanks for a lovely introduction! That green curry paste both looks and sounds fabulous.
    Your chairs look great out on the deck! xx

  6. Apart from deck envy, I now feel like eating cupcakes and a good green chicken curry! :)

  7. Thanks, Brismod. Not only did I have a fabulous time on your stunning deck eating, dare I say it...BOUGHT mini cupcakes, I also got to learn plenty from our little friend Ana. So cute! Thanks for the plug, too.


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