
Monday 13 December 2010

Funky anodised bullet planter

I clearly have a thing for house plants because I bought another bullet-style planter on the weekend.

Bring back the early 70's, I say!

Anodised bullet planter
I was over at young Katherine's place to drop off her iittala candle holder which she won from my giveaway.

She was showing me some of the pieces (art glass and West German pottery) Kristen had bought at an estate sale and I spotted this in the corner of her storeroom.

And it followed me home on its little tripod legs...

It's fun and kitsch. They are also hard to find in decent enough condition. And I love this colour green.

This new addition will live on the back deck. I'm thinking something tall and phallic, as in plants, will work well here?    

dracaena marginata


  1. Fab! Absolutely love it!

    All the best things follow you home!

  2. Oh yes I love these too, I'm such a sucker for anything with black wire atomic legs.

  3. Also a big fan of house plants! I can see a peace lily looking very nice in that pot. Love the green, it does take you back in time, and I can see it suiting your back deck and orange numbers very nicely! I can only think of mushrooms with phallic plants.

  4. I think it is begging for ice and a bottle of bubbly! You have just made me remember Mum and Dads 70's orange laminex benches.

  5. Yep tall and palmy looks good.

  6. I think they're difficult to find in Australia because they've all been turned into barbeques and sent over to Britain - our back yards are full of them, gathering snow.

  7. Katherine finds the best things, doesn't she? It looks wonderful and will never rust. x

  8. What a great find!! I like your plant choice, I think it will look great!

  9. I love it! My Nana had a bronze one. Thanks for the sweet reminder.

  10. Love it! If it gets plenty of direct sunlight, flap jacks (kalanchoe) would look fab - the red foliage would contrast beautifully. If not, a dracaena would look great too. Otherwise, I like the drinks tub idea...

  11. Cute as...reminds me of those anodised 'glasses' my parents had, that I think only came out at picnics. Look forward to seeing what you put in it :)

  12. Wow, what a great colour! Love it.

  13. ohh I love love love it :) le

  14. that says Ice Bucket with Champagne to me - rather than plants - but that's just me!

  15. Omg! I love it!!!! My mum used to own a gold one....or perhaps it was my nanna....not completely sure but it is ticking all of the nostalgic boxes for me!!!


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