
Sunday 20 March 2011

Nose to the grindstone

After a couple of weekends off, Jason has his nose to the grindstone.

Back to the salt mines. Once more into the breach. Rolling up his (imaginary) sleeves. Same sh*t, different day.

So many idioms, so little time for painting the sunroom.

Jason is painting the bathroom door which used to be green, then mushroom, then cream and now white! Layer upon layer of history on that door.
The sunroom is slowly becoming the white room. Clearly, we will bore you with its progress until it's finished.

Our newly painted linen cupboard to the left of the bathroom door.
This photo is for Sarah B.xx


  1. Loving all that white white white. Alas that custard cream door colour is so familiar to me. Actually Betsy is more just custard without the cream. Jason must be close to finishing the interior now? Love to have a complete tour when he is finished.......

  2. Most impressive MMMC! I bet they used to let you coin the newspaper headlines in your journo days. Best laugh all day. x

  3. Lovely, thank you Anita x
    Ps. Love MMMC' s comment. She's clever, isn't she?

  4. Your welcome Sarah. And yes, she is very clever. xx

  5. Nice photos glad you are keeping Sarah happy. NBC is very funny!

  6. That was a quick two weekends. Looking forward to being bored. Seems we all like watching paint dry here.

  7. I'm enjoying every stroke. That sounded weird. Painting interests me no end.

  8. What are you going to do when this house is finished, Bris?

  9. It's turning out beautifully. That handle is very high up, isn't it - are you intimidatingly tall people (just checking lest we meet)?

  10. There's that MMMC stealing the show! How do you get your husband to paint? I have that oh so pleasant job here at the LC.

  11. MMMC - she's a funny one!

    I do love all that white.

  12. It looks really good doesn't it? Love the white and what are we all going to do when Jason finishes painting??? ;-)

  13. Good question Deb, How do you get your husband to paint? Its looking great by the way.

  14. Thanks everyone!

    How do I get Jason to paint? I just tell him I need material for a blog post and then he whips off his shirt, picks up a brush and says, "At your service!"

    Tom, this old house will never be finished I suspect...

  15. Looking good! Can't wait to see the finished product. Ange

  16. All that beautiful white paint is looking fantastic ... I can't wait to transform my home too! :)

  17. So fresh! how rewarding to see it transform that drastically. How many coats are you having to do?


  18. All that white, it looks sooo crisp & clean, I love it, not to mention how fabulous your timber floors look against the white wall, definately not boring to us stalkers...I mean followers!!

  19. thats what i like to see.... yes the paint too.
    what colour is it again?

  20. All that white, it looks sooo crisp & clean, I love it, not to mention how fabulous your timber floors look against the white wall, definately not boring to us stalkers...I mean followers!
    Electric Underfloor Heating


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