
Tuesday 22 March 2011

Polka dot pillowcases

To alter that famous line in the movie The Sixth Sense [long pause, hoarse whisper]:

"I see polka dots."

And it's not from low blood pressure. To be more precise, it is polka dot pillowcases that I see, which makes me think we need some at the Sow's Ear.

Unfortunately sewing is not in my lexicon or range of skills. Because if it were, I'd be making polka dot pillowcases for my three boys. In truth, there is only so much domesticity that I can handle...

My mind's eye tells me the polka dots have to be a certain size and distance apart. This point is very important as not all polka dot cushions are equal.

Polka dot pillowcase 
Image courtesy of here

Castle do a range of lovely polka dot pillowcases. They are 100% cotton and made in Australia. The entire shop has an elegant range of bed linen. Take note that the polka dots are not on the the diagonal which is why they have a more modern feel. Very classy.

Polka dot pillowcases
Image from here
Pop by Sheridan have recently released a range of pillowcases which are quite nice. Take note that these dots are on the diagonal and are more traditional looking.

They are 60% cotton/40% polyester but the price is reflective of that point as they are quite affordable. At the moment, there is free shipping in Australia which makes it even more attractive. There is no mention as to where they are made, but I suspect our overseas friends are involved.

As I am El-cheapo (note well, the capital E) and like free postage, I bought three different coloured Pop pillowcases. They should arrive later this week. I'll test them out for you, with my boys being the guinea pigs. I'll also let you know whether you should bother with them.

I'm good that way.


  1. I think the pillowcases look fabulous and it is so thoughtful of you to test them out for us first ; )

  2. There's a a spot over here, and a spot over there.... there's a lot of little spots, in the air everywhere... it's a spotty kind of day!
    They'll look great. I do admire the polka dot!

  3. Isn't it funny how horizontal and diagonal make such a visual difference? I've never thought about that before.
    I saw some pillowcases on the Lisa Stickley website that I fell for, they're huge dots in cool colours but then the price is HUGE as well. 30 pounds a pair. Ouch. I'd like a way to justify them...

  4. So kind of you to road test things for us that we didn't realize existed. I thought I was the only one anal enough to notice things like diagonal spot patterns. So happy to know there is someone else with attention to detail. Mind you, I might be tempted to play a little game of paddocks on them.

  5. I'm very keen on almost everything Rachel Castle does, especially her polka dot sheets and pillowcases. Will be keen to hear how the Sheridan ones are. Polka dots always look so fresh don't you think!

  6. Yes honesty is one of your finest qualities, along with beauty of course.The polka dot difference is very interesting. I could see something was different but lacked the iq to figure it out. I think you have made an excellent choice.

  7. Mmmm. I love polka dots too. And my skills also fail to extend to the area of sewing. I think we're going to get along quite nicely . . .

  8. Love a bit of polka dot action. My current favourite is deep red with white polka dots. It speaks to me and makes me happy in ways I can not explain. Meredy xo

  9. Well I have learnt something new today...not all polka dots are the same! Diagonal and straight - I never knew.

  10. You're good in many ways! Polka dots always have a lure for me as well, though they make me feel like an easy target. I flatter myself though that I resist gingham.

  11. Now I want polka dots on my pillows, this blogging is bad, its like seeing a chocolate add on tv & getting a craving for chocolate.
    Thanks for the inspiration!!!

  12. a fine purchase. if i had a house i would consider some myself :)
    ~laura x

  13. I love polka dots. Thanks for being so helpful trying the pillow cases out for us. I'm sure it's a sacrifice.

  14. Olive and Esther inspired me with her spotty ones last week but when I went to buy the ever present red polka dot fabric from Spotlight it was sold out. So I will be jumping on your free postage bandwagon too.

  15. Hey Annie, great minds must think alike because that post is exactly what spurred me to action. If Megan has polka dot cushions, I want some too! xx

    Here is the post, for those who haven't seen it:

  16. I absolutely love Polka Dots. I have made quite a few polka dot cushions for my children and my nieces. They love them. Mimi x


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