
Friday 8 April 2011

Brisbane mid century house snippet in Inside Out Mag

Our good friend Chris had a small snippet about his home published in the latest Inside Out Magazine. It is always so exciting when someone you know is in one of these magazines.

Chris is an avid mid century chair collector. He concentrates on mainly Australian furniture with a smattering of English and Danish design interspersed into the mix. 
snippet from Inside Out Magazine

Chris's home is a testament to the value of saving Brisbane's mid century houses. When he and his partner, Susan, bought the modernist house a few years ago, the previous owners had done a poorly thought out Tuscan renovation. Remember when it was all the rage in the 90s?

Anyway, the house looked like sh*t. And a few people thought they were mad to buy the house at the time.

Fast forward to now, you'd never know there had been anything remotely Tuscan desecrating the highly modern home. Although some of the original features could not be reinstated, the home is now a better reflection of the architect's intent when it was originally built in 1961. 

Mid century house in Brisbane
image courtesy of here


  1. Looks fabulous. It, the house, sits so well on the block.Would love to see more pics inside, have they been in any other publications?

  2. No Katherine you would not survive the consequences of the extreme jealousy that will overcome you if you ever see the inside of Chris and Susan's house. The density per sq meter of Grant Featherstons is believed to be the highest in the world. Even a seasoned antique hunter like yourself would go faint. Too dangerous :) I have forbidden myself to ever go there. I'll just buy his left overs instead!

  3. Ha! Jo, Katherine would probably concuss herself on one of the contour chairs if she saw the collection. It really is an amazing thing to see.

    Katherine, the house has been in the Qweekend mag in the Courier Mail.xx

  4. I saw this yesterday, so cool! I recommended Chris' house to a stylist who was looking for homes to shoot this month (same stylist who Jo is recruiting for I'm 99% sure). Do you know if she contacted him about it?

  5. I would love to see that house!

  6. Love that exterior pic...beautiful!

  7. What a funky looking house - love it! Looks like they've done a super job :)

  8. Now that's a happy story! I can't begin to imagine Tuscan on this house. Boggles my mind!

  9. I like what they've done to the exterior and the interior looks fab too.Lovely to see homes renovated faithful to their style.

  10. So exciting! You know someone famous :) That a great looking home. Are you ever jealous?

    P.S. I wanted you to know I sent a "stylish blogger" award your way! I think the awesome updo you posted tipped the scales in your favor! :)

  11. Sigh - yet another enticement to move back home… Great house!!

  12. Chris' house is listed with me too!! (Film Location) I'm really hoping for a grrrreat job for such an amazing home.

  13. I have so much respect for people who rescue homes and reinstate their architectural integrity. Never was a fan of 90s Tuscan style, especially because it tends to look nothing like what you actually see in Tuscany.


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