
Thursday 7 April 2011

We got the ad!

It was a nervous, nail-biting wait near the phone...No, not really but I did double time it to the phone when it rang last night.

And yes, it was the call back to say our front fence made the grade for the print ad (i.e crappy enough).

The Sow's Ear was a hive sty of activity with all the photographs taken early this morning. The ad campaign is scheduled to appear in the newspapers this weekend.

All in all, it was a very good experience - the ad producers could not have been any nicer.

Our mismatched front fence. Jason may or may not repaint it. It hardly seems worth it...what would you do?
Also, our celebrity front fence did extremely well to withstand the touch of a paint brush without collapsing. Thank goodness for paint and habit!

No doubt, this will probably be the fence's last hurrah before we demolish it. We don't want it to get too big for its boots and develop a diva-like attitude, do we?


  1. I have always known I can be a little over sensitive, but would you believe that despite being excited for you I am actually sad for your fence! Poor fence, it got a modeling gig but is seeing it's last days. Poor fence.
    I know, I'm pathetic and obviously have a thing for old fences!

  2. Sarah, I actually felt the same way when I was writing this blog post.

    Then I had to remind myself that it's full of termites, so its days are numbered anyway. I'm going to put the ad in the house history file we created. The old fence will form part of the history of the house for future owners. How exciting for them to have a record of it when we are long gone. xx

  3. "Paint Hard" the print. Coming soon.

  4. How exciting, well done! Can't wait to see the add. ;-)

  5. I bet that fence won't go without a fight now! I look forward to seeing the old girl in print, at least digitally speaking :)

  6. Lol! I was sad to hear that the fence will be 'put out to pasture' after it's time in the spotlight...but white ants are white ants I guess! Congratulations on the ad though. I will be scouring the weekend papers looking for it now!

  7. Oh how exciting! Congratulations! You'll have to show us the ad when it's out. xx

  8. There is a special poignancy in having the old girl's one turn in the spotlight finance her successor... think how you'd feel!

  9. Congrats on the gig! I feel bad for the old fence too. At least it's being preserved in print for posterity.

  10. Awesome!

    I'm sure after it's modeling gig, it will go to a farm in the country. ;)

  11. Congratulations Sows Ear - you little star you!

  12. Congratulations. Obviously not too many old and dilapidated fences in Brisbane these days. Maybe you should keep her for future gigs as she could be in high demand. Just don't paint her so she knows where she stands.

    Jennifer xx

  13. Congrats...don't forget to show us the ad!!

  14. Wow! How exciting! I bet the fence thought it was a shoe-in for the movie, given its experience in the acting department.

    I'll be scouring the rags on the weekend, and I'll tell everyone 'I know that fence'!!

  15. So exciting about the fence. I will keep an eye out for it. I've often thought about putting our house forward for film/tv as a potential money spinner. Then i could give up my day job!


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