
Tuesday 5 April 2011

The iittala collection is growing

The iittala textured glass collection is growing steadily.

I added two of the four ring Festivo candleholders to the growing 'family' in January. They were an 'inexpensive for ebay' purchase to celebrate my birthday. Any excuse, really.

Finnish glass collection

Last week my Ipswich booty from Jo included one small Ultima Thule dessert bowl, a small cream jug, sugar bowl and the Arnica vase, all designed by Tapio Wirkkala. To say I was ecstatic would be an understatement!

Iittala Ultima Thule bowls

And on the weekend I bought a large Ultima Thule bowl from my regular supplier of all things vintage.

It feels like 1969 at my place as the kitchen shelf glistens and sparkles in Finnish style.


  1. They should all make interesting props in the blockbuster! Just don't write too many smashing, or throwing scenes in;)

  2. I love glass. It's a good thing I'm well away from you.

  3. Careful now that Mr Rooney doesn't give that fine collection to the nuns when your back is turned.

  4. Ack! So jealous. But happy & excited for your new additions none the less.

  5. Looks great! I love the larger bowl on the left of the bottom picture.

  6. You'll be making fondue and wearing a Pucci caftan next. Who'll be cleaning all the products on the open plan shelving may I ask? Jason? You? The Kids? The Help? Love the look but the dust Frightens little Ole OCD me x

  7. You've got quite a collection there Anita. It takes me back to my childhood were we had what I assume were rip-off glasses in the same style on the top of the fridge :)

  8. I'd say your collection is getting rather big, well done!

  9. Living in my own little 'vj' pile, I am following you and yours! Love your glass collection..I have the iitalia green glass goblets and candle holders..I love them.

  10. Thanks everyone!
    Deb, great idea for the movie! You're hired as Stunt Coordinator.
    FF, I've learnt to embrace dust with the renovations causing so much of it. When it gets too much Raoul my imaginary pool boy for our imaginary pool will look after the weekly dusting or else it's just me. xx


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