
Monday 11 July 2011

Window hoods finished

A job which has been hanging over our heads for a number of months is now complete.

Window hood view from the backyard

Jason and Mr Rooney, our music-loving builder, worked like Trojans this weekend to get one side of the Sow's Ear ready for the window hoods. They had made two window hoods back in late January but could not install them until we hired some mobile scaffold; our borrowed painter's trestles were not nearly high enough.

Mobile scaffold is definitely a two-person job to pick up, assemble and disassemble.

Jason painting the side gable above our bedroom. The newly installed window hood is visible from the front of the house.

A zoomed-in view of the side gable from the street. It is in the new white and brown colour scheme we have chosen for the house.

The entire weekend was set aside to hire the scaffold which meant two jobs could be accomplished at the same time - painting the hard-to-reach areas of the Sow's Ear and then install the window hoods. Fortunately, the weather was perfect and they could get so much done.

Mr Rooney and Jason installing the 2nd window hood. This photo was taken from our back deck. The workers were listening to old fogey tunes on Mr Rooney's iPhone. It was good.
This shot is taken from the front yard. Jason and Mr Rooney are painting and gapping the wall in preparation for the window hood.

Son #1 helped paint the side wall. He's just goofing off in this shot, but he was shown how to always have three points of contact when scaling ladders and scaffold. Such a great learning experience for him.

The weekend has been a big boost in hurrying along the exterior painting. All the very high areas of this one side of the house are completely painted. It means the lower parts can be painted at our leisure with normal painter's trestles.

Painting the front facade will be left until very last. We will have to hire scaffold again for that, but in the meantime we still have plenty to do. Plenty to do!

All in all, it was a very successful weekend!


  1. Hard work..but you're getting there. I love that you're leaving the front til element of surprise for the street!

  2. Oh it is looking amazing! ;-)

  3. If you ever come to sell this house, you should get all these posts down onto a CD, then include it in the information package - that way you should get a few million dollars extra for it when the time comes!

  4. Looking great. I love Tom's idea :)

  5. The Sow's Ear is looking more like a silk purse every day.(Was Jason asleep or passed out up on the roof?)

  6. Would you be able to set your blog up to play those old fogey tunes when this page is accessed? We all want to hear them! Dare I hope for Blondie's Heart of Glass?

  7. What is Jason doing up there on the roof??? Your house is looking lovely.

  8. Thanks for all your comments.

    Tom, we'd can only hope this house would recoup some of the money spent on it. Thankfully this is a long term prospect.

    Mise, I love Blondie, but they didn't have that on their tunes list. But I'm sure that will be rectified now that you've mentioned it. There was Roxy Music, Jethro Tull, AC/DC and Warren Zevon. And Giuseppe Verdi.

    Deb & Simmone, I actually have no idea what Jason's doing. I assumed he was painting but he looks a bit suspect up there now that I look more closely! xx

  9. Oh I'm loving everything about your do you keep those men so motivated ;-) XOX

  10. Yay for such great progress on hard to get to spots.

  11. Oh they're gorgeous! You had me at 'window'. A-M xx

  12. Good on you guys doing all the hard, tricky annoying parts first. I would be much more likely to paint the front and all the bits I could reach on a footstool and then leave the rest until we had to sell the house! Keep up the good work. melx

  13. looks great darl, and actually looks like a fun way to spend some hours. nothing wrong with some old fogey tunes on new technology! xx


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