
Thursday 4 August 2011

1950s Tulip standard lamp: part two

Remember that 1950s floor lamp I bought from the very spooky Ghost Tours operator Jack Sim? You know, the one that shattered into a million pieces due to some super-natural forces soon after it came home? (as opposed to blaming myself for a rather dodgy repair job...)

Well, I found a replacement for it, thanks to the eagle eyes of a prominent Brisbane purveyor of used goods (well done Kristen!). I was actually looking for a replacement glass shade but they are impossible to find (drop me a line if you have one). So I just bought another lamp.

Australian 1950s tulip standard lamp in black
A black one this time.

It is in the most immaculate condition and I can't believe I found one in Brisbane so soon after breaking that first light shade.

It looks great in our sunroom

And best of all, it means there is a spare light shade should something happen to the second lamp. You know, like something super-natural...Boo!

Now I have a 60-year-old completely shadeless gold and chrome standard lamp under the house which is gathering dust. What do you reckon I should do with it (and be nice Anonymous Natalie)?

1950s gold standard lamp


  1. I didn't realise that you had broken the gold one..but I think the black is better looking in that corner. I don't know what you could do with it though!

  2. I have never seen these type of lamps before

    should I feel like I've been sheltered or is that ok and no need for a therapist? :)

    I am not sure what to do with it for you - I'm only warm on it - it needs to grow on me

    as kath & kim say - nice, different, unusual



  3. Hurray!! So glad you found one! I've been keeping a look out for you while on my late night hunts on eBay..

    Love the black too, it looks terrific with that lovely chair of yours, xx

  4. No I love the looks smick! There was something weirdly spooky about the gold one..'be gone I say' to whoever will take it ;)

  5. Do you think the gold one is cursed?

  6. The gold one would have been nice pre breakage, but defintiely like the black. Looks great next to that particular chair.

  7. Maybe it is cursed... oooh! Whatever the case, I love the black x

  8. The boys might like to attach a small engine to the old one and see how far it goes? The new one really suits the chair.

  9. Oh you need to buy a lotto ticket, finding one of those beauties again. Who'd have thought! It looks fabulous! A-M xx

  10. so pleased you found another lamp - i was so disappointed for you when the cursed gold one shattered. I personally like the black one better and think it looks fab in your sunroom. Well done! karen

  11. It looks great in your room. Love your style.

  12. I like the black one better. Maybe the ghost will too.

  13. Love the black one! Perhaps you could take to the gold lamp with some black spray paint whilst you try to find another shade for it? B.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. There is no way on God's green earth am I letting him take my inside leg measurement.

  16. The lamps are on but no one is home.

  17. What was that spammy comment from Jasonfan about? Deleted with pleasure.

  18. Oh I miss all the fun, wish I could have read what mystery Jason fan had to say.... The lamp looks fab.

  19. I think with the old lamp, ditch the remaining shade and buy a heap of copper wire and get the boys to make 2 wire ball shades of their own design and donate it to their room ( if they have no issue with potential ghosts that is) melx

  20. Oh, always wonder about deleted comments, is Jason the ghost who broke the first lamp shade?? Can you just shove the old one into a plant so you can't see the glass shade is missing & back light a plant all at the same time?? Clutching at straws for ideas, love Posie

  21. Ha! I got a spammy comment the other day from a kids' shoe shop. Are there no standards any more?

    I think the black light looks much better. It really suits the chair.

    It's great you have the oldboathouse skippers keeping an eye open for you. Lovely.

  22. Now I'm wondering what Jasonfan said too!! Was his the most interesting comment for what to do with the lamp! I like the black too :) and I have absolutely no idea what you could do with the other one.....

  23. why does that chair and lamp combination remind me of Sir larry and Dustin Hoffman in the 'Marathon man'?

    Is it safe?

  24. Hey there ... I know what you should do with the gold one ... put it out for the next council kerb side pickup ... sorry ... me no likey. The black one however is another story ... it really suits the chair ... well done !!! Anonymous Natalie

  25. recycle.... the black one rocks
    ~laura xx


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