
Friday 23 September 2011

Kathy's Queenslander cottage

Last night we were invited to Kathy's house. She lives in a little Queenslander cottage in a very narrow lane way on Brisbane's south side. It's a lovely, polished home filled with exquisite pieces.

Kathy's home reminds me very much of the Sow's Ear - similar period and decorative features. It also has the same colour scheme as what used to be here before we changed it - yellowy cream walls with dark yellowy cream trim. However, in Kathy's house it is very well-painted; this makes a huge difference.

The colour scheme actually complements Kathy's objects and furniture pieces. Her decorating style is more traditional and she has some beautiful timber antique furniture.

The same colour scheme did not work so well at the Sow's Ear and definitely did not look good with our mid century style of furniture. It's funny how in one home it looks great and in another home it can appear drab and dreary.

Anyway, we had a nice little visit, with great food and wine on the pretence of discussing our book club book Past the Shallows by Australian author Favel Parrett. Thanks Kathy!

Here are some dodgy iPhone shots of our night:

The piano room with two lovely cane chairs in the corner

Intricate fretwork breeze way above the second bedroom door

Blue and white china vignette on an antique crystal cabinet

Planter stand with vintage jardiniere

Wine and book
Our friend Leanne made some white chocolate Rocky Road. 

Susan made a delicious pasta salad which were served in  Kathy's collection of black bowls

Martin Boyd Pottery bowl
I flipped the bowl over after I finished my pasta (so refined, aren't I?) and was most impressed with Kathy for using the Boyd ware. 


  1. Hilarious! I think I think I've been caught out before flipping plates over to check out their worthiness!!

    Lovely Queenslander ... your friends have such stylish abodes.

  2. Ooh I like the cane chairs very much!!

  3. I was a bridal consultant at Grace Bros/ Myer while at Uni & we spent our time sorting out dinnerware, so when we'd watch television or go out together, we'd play "pick the dinnerware" & the damn Noritake expert (she got a special extra badge) would always win!! Love Posie

  4. Lovely to get a peek inside a Queenslander,looks like you had a ball.I feel a bit ridiculous turning plates at the oppy.

  5. Hello Miss Silk Purse

    lovely to have time with friends, good food, laughter, chatter and wine shared.

    I love Kathy's blue & white china - I could so steal that.

    have a wonderful weekend (more renovating I guess)



  6. Lovely. Hubby and I disagree on the colours that best suit Queenslanders - I'm all for the white and grey modern style, he only has eyes for the yellow and green traditional. Both have their places.

    Beautiful breezeways too.

  7. You have very stylish friends :)
    I'm the person who sneaks a look at the plate bottoms as well. Have a good one :)

  8. I flip the plates too. Sometimes with the food still on them. oops. Your friend's home looks lovely.

  9. What a very lovely home! And the food looks magnificent! Glad I found you.

  10. v. cool house, looks like a lovely home to live in too.

    hope the weekend's treating you well darl xx

  11. All I can focus on is the rocky road. Holy cow that looks good.


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