
Sunday 25 September 2011

Two gables to go...

...but how on earth will Jason do it? His super-human abilities can only go so far...

Jason's still weighing up the options and hasn't indicated which one he will choose. He's toying with us...

Jason painting the front window hoods

The Sow's Ear after another weekend of work on her

Here are the options:

1. Use an extension ladder. He'll  have to feed the ladder through the carport in order to reach the large back gable. A portion of the carport roof will have to be unscrewed and removed to do this option.  This is a more economical option because we can either borrow an extension ladder or buy one for keeps.

2. Hire a cherry picker for the day. Our good friend, Captain Boyter, has offered to help us as he has "cherry picker experience" and Jason is a "cherry picker" virgin. This is the most expensive option but probably the safest. Captain Boyter says he gets a trade discount too.

3. Dangle from the roof with fall arrest harness and a superman cape. (Look! Up in the sky. It's a bird. It's a plane. No, it's just Jason.) This option is economical as Mr Rooney, our absentee builder, has offered to lend his harness to Jason. It also has the added benefit of being great entertainment value for all of us.

And as one of my readers, Nick, mentioned - there are so few opportunities in life to abseil down your roof. Why not seize it? Why not indeed!

What option would you choose?


  1. Considering how much money Jason has saved painting the entire house to date, I would go with the cherry picker. Particularly if he is as accident-prone as my husband is. Good luck! x

  2. I'd go the cherry picker. You and the kids could have a ride in it too.

    TDM xx

  3. Oh, go the harness! How fun!

  4. Would Jason like to abseil what are his thoughts?Will you have the video camera and will Jason sign/autograph his pics lol

  5. Go with option three. Entertainment value is important.

  6. I already have the popcorn and comfy chair ready. Please go with option 3.

  7. I would probably pay a painter for a day to finish it off and sit in a comfy chair with a cold beer and watch but husbands being what they are, mine would buy the ladder just for the fun of a new tool in the shed. He is considering doing this soon and the mind boggles. Colours are the hardest. How did you decide?

  8. If you do go the cherry-picker route you might consider installing anchor points so you can go the safety harness route the next time...just thinking ahea-

  9. Such a huge job, but looking awesome! Need me to set up the scaffolding?? (LOL). How about abseiling?

  10. I vote for option 3. Images of Jason in a harness and tool belt are sure to be popular ;)

  11. This may be a premium opportunity to slash his 'cherry picker virgin' title! Wouldn't it look great on his CV later.."knows how to operate a cherry picker"..let him at one I say!

  12. This may be a premium opportunity to slash his 'cherry picker virgin' title! Wouldn't it look great on his CV later.."knows how to operate a cherry picker"..let him at one I say!

  13. Jason of Pristine Gables ... he should get a cherry picker, for sure!

    I can't believe he's painted the house! What a catch!!

  14. You're so close to finishing. Wow - it looks fantastic!!


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