
Wednesday 14 September 2011

Retro curtain fabric, vintage cardigans and bubbles

My Mum is having a decluttering session at her place and is barely making a dent. Most of what she is decluttering is coming over here. Bless her hoarding heart and for passing on that hoarding gene.

There was some vintage curtain fabric which she had under the house. I said that I'd take it. It was too retro to leave behind tucked away unloved.

It is in OK condition, but I will probably pass it on to my mate Melissa if she wants it. Melissa makes groovy sun hats and cushions from reclaimed vintage fabric which she then sells at those handmade indie markets.

It looks like some one had a psychedelic barf

And then Mum gave me her vintage cardigans which she no longer wears. They date from the late 60s/early 70s. And I've been wearing them like there is no tomorrow...sporting the collared cardi look at school drop-off. They are my most favourite thing to wear at the moment.

Vintage cardigans - the new granny chic

You'll also be happy to know that I picked up the bulb holder for the Globemaster Soda Syphon. We have bubbles!

Soda Syphon bulb holder attachment

Bring on the summer parties and I'll top your drink with soda water. Shame it will be too hot to wear my cardis.


  1. LOVE that fabric!

    You've gotten some brilliant stuff from your Mum. I'm keen to see what sort of drinks you can make with that soda-mijig.

    That's why I hoard, so one day I'll be cool to my kids.

  2. Those are beautiful cardies, from back when clothes were made to last more than a season. I bet you look ever so soignée in them.

  3. Not to worry about the cardis, when it gets too hot you can come over and borrow a maxi or 2 from me. I got so many strange looks at the child care centre today while wearing one, it was great.

  4. Your mum sounds like mine I am itching to get into her house to pack it all up when she moves lol Hope she decides to pass alot to moi.

  5. The curtains are amazing. I can see those with a purple shag rug; very Austin Powers. The cardis are cool!! I'm sure your Mum could make a small fortune on ebay!
    Congrats on the bubbles! Vodka, soda and the obligatory lime wedge will be perfect on a hot day.

  6. Those cardigans are fab. You and son number 3 must look quite the twosome in your retro get ups...I mean out fits. Had a chuckle at your comment...somehow you and decoupage seem completely incongruous. You should ask your mum for her stainless steel salad bowls I am really liking the ones we got. Xxx

  7. Hello Miss silk Purse

    I do remember so much our original soda syphon.
    Oh the drinks we would make with it - but as a child we just loved to press it away and happily watch it all poor out.
    I always wanted to have one of those fun play fights with the soda syphons at each other ;)
    Ours was large, clear, with silver meshing around the bottle area, and silver and black trigger and spout.

    have a wonderful day/night


  8. I love those cardis! It's fall over here if you want to send them along.

  9. That fabric is so cool. I'd have a hard time parting with it too!!

  10. Are you sure you're not able to find a room that needs those curtains!

  11. If you swapped the purple for canary yellow, you would be in possession of my childhood bedroom curtains. Yooo hooo!

  12. love love loving the cardies :) le xox


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