
Tuesday 4 October 2011

Bathroom colours and Dulux Colour Consultancy Giveaway

sponsored by Nuffnang

Dreams do come true...sort of.

While doing mind-numbing exterior painting I’ve been day dreaming about Dulux sponsoring Fun and VJs. I tell Jason frequently while he’s perched on the trestles and I’m below painting the fences:

[Imagine I have a noice Kath and Kim twang]

“Wouldn’t it be great if Dulux sponsored us, Darl?  After all the freakin’ Dulux paint we’ve used inside and out, you’d think they’d come out of the woodwork and reward us for our hard work.”

Jason ignores me and continues to paint.

You can only imagine my complete and utter delight when Dulux did come out of the woodwork in the form of Nuffnang who asked us to do a sponsored post about their Colour Consultancy Service. Would we be interested?

Like, yeah! (And by the way, do we get cheaper paint with that?*)

Setty the Dulux Colour Consultant came over to the Sow’s Ear to help me work out a colour scheme for the bathroom. The one hour service can be for internal and external colour schemes.

Old bathroom colour scheme. Yellowy cream walls and custard trim.
This photo makes the bathroom look better than it is
We can’t afford a complete bathroom redo since Jason spent the bathroom renovation money on a mid-life crisis sports car (a sore point). I really can’t stand the way the bathroom looks. It’s depressingly tired.  It needs a nice and easy spruce until we are cashed up again. And paint is the affordable quick fix.

The problem is the colour of the bathroom tiles does not lend itself to the crisp Dulux white that we’ve used in the rest of the Sow’s Ear. I had a couple of colour ideas but I wasn’t sure they would work.

This is why the Dulux Colour Consultancy is a good solution for people like me who are a bit apprehensive about deciding a final colour.  

Setty did a quick walk-through of the house and we tossed around a few ideas. She pulled out her trusty Colour Atlas and we went through the colours I had in mind. Dulux have fancy A4 sized brush-outs rather than the teeny tiny paint swatches of old.

Setty with her bag of brush outs
A4 colour brush outs used to visualise the colour scheme

Because Setty is an interior designer, she took into consideration our Queenslander house style, our mid-century furnishings and the lighting. She also factored in the type of paint we should use due to the mould inducing poor ventilation and advised a finish which would be more forgiving of our wonky walls.

Setty in motion. I can't show you Setty's face but I can show you the paint swatches she uses

The fact that she was able to consult in our home was fantastic and made the service very worthwhile. The whole experience was positive and I’m very motivated to get started with the groovy new colour scheme.

Colour Atlas
So, what colours did we end up choosing? You’ll have to wait and see… The walls, ceiling and vanity are in line for an overhaul. It’s going to be a dramatic change to what we’ve done in the past. Stay tuned!

And now to the fun part can win your very own Dulux Colour Consultancy Service. All you have to do is answer this question in the comments: What Dulux colour would you choose to repaint one of your rooms and why? (Click here for terms and conditions)

1.       1. Go to the Dulux website and view the colour gallery. Click here
2.       2. Competition is only open to Australian residents
3.       3. If you are an anonymous follower, please remember to leave your email details in the comments.
4.       4.Competition closes Sunday 9 October midnight AEST.

Good Luck!

*Yes you do!  After a Dulux colour consultancy service, you'll receive a redemption voucher ($1 per litre up to $100) for Dulux premium paint. 


  1. How exciting! I can't wait to see what colours you'll be using.

  2. Woo hoo wishes can come true all you need is the lotto fairy to drop by lol.Ok I looked and as I hate making deciosns (its why i have to get a consultant when we build) Id go with the Stream in the blues as Miss 10 wants a beach style room with lots of blue.Oh what fun If I won but we are still in the getting the house started stage so Hope they give a few months.(If I won)
    Oh and I love your bathroom as it is so can only imagine what it will be when your done.

  3. Dulux picked the right team to sponsor! Good for you.

    I don't think that bathroom looks too bad! Really. You should see ours.

  4. How fantastic, good for you guys you deserve it, that's for sure. Now I really, really, really need to win this giveaway as we are really struggling with the colour scheme for the exterior of our house and I don't want to get it wrong. I have to look at it for the next 10 plus years. For an interior room, I really love the handmade linen as it picks up on the colour of the bedding in the room. Thanks, my fingers are crossed. ;-)

  5. This would be an excellent solution for our exterior, akin to employing arbitration for us. My problem is that I am heavily influenced by the catchiness of the name, regardless of what hue it might be. Who doesn't like a bit of 'handmade linen' or to call 'aviva, aviva' from the Bunnings aisle? However as I am partial to a bit of pottery, I'd give 'light ceramic' a whirl.

  6. I am looking at repainting our family room. It has heaps of windows, a cork floor and timber trims. It is a tricky one. I am thinking hog bristle or antique white USA but could do with some help.

  7. I can't belive that there are so many whites out there that can look soooo different! I went a bit crazy with Chalk USA when I moved in to this house to try and disguise that array of colours left over from the 80's. Then a year or so ago it was all repainted China White 1/4 strength and made quite a difference.
    I usually fall in love with a colour when I see it on someone else's house but a colour consultation could tell me whether it works in my I'd want to know whether the lovely grey on a house in the next suburb would look equally good on my place? The closest colour I think it could be is.....that's why I need a colour consultant - I have no idea!

  8. Which just goes to prove that you never know who's reading your blog. Or behind the fence listening, while you're painting.

    Look forward to seeing the end results.

    I'd go for a colour consultation in my bathroom too, if I only had a bathroom!


  9. Very exciting!! It is sure to look very duluxurious when it is done and I am more than curious about what shades you chose.xx

  10. Well isn't this timely, I really need to win this because we are just about to start painting The Money Pit with Dulux colours.... I bet you had fun choosing what you wanted..send her my way!! Thank YOU!!!

  11. Exquisite for my bedroom, as Im addicted to Purple.We've lived here 35 years and want to redecorate but dont know where to start, would love to win this, the consultation would solve many of our problems

  12. I'd like to put Angora Blue somewhere so I could have just a little corner of peace (and a clean, freshly painted wall) in my insanely messy house. But how to make it look grown up enough... yes, I'd also need a consultant.

  13. I have two bedrooms which I'm desperate to paint. The only thing stopping us is picking colours.

    My daughters will be easy, it's just a matter of finding the right pink, however I want grey in my room. Maybe something like Lexicon?

  14. I am desperate for some help choosing an exterior grey for Betsy. Would have her made over if I would just get the colour right, you know i have been mixing my own out of desperation. Vivid white is the only colour I have chosen thus far and love how it makes all other colours in our art just pop. melx

  15. I can't wait to see the finished product. I wish I was renovating! Mimi xx

  16. Now I need a Kath & Kim fix! I bet your bathroom will be amazing!

    We will need to be re-painting our living room soon and I think I just want to go white ("white on white") because creative decorating does not come super naturally to me. Maybe Dulux would help! :)

  17. I think there should be a contest for your readers to guess which of the Dulux colors (pardon my accent) you'll be using. I really want to know what everyone thinks would go best for the room in the picture posted (which doesn't seem all that bad by the way).

  18. I went to our new house over the weekend (the one we will begin reno'ing in Dec) I forgot how many different paint colours there are inside and outside the house!!

    Wooh nelly, it made my head spin! Someone was really trippin' when they choose the paint there!

    So to answer your question; I would not be able to go past the Whisper White and White on White to eliminate the blur of colours still running through my mind!

    Don't dish your bathroom, you could be stuck with baby pinks, light greens and sunshine yellows. Like me! lol (Unfortunately I'm Not kidding)

    Have a great day.
    x Jode

  19. What a cool competition! I'm not sure what colour I'd choose (clearly why I need a consultant) but it would be in the blues - maybe stream. I'm thinking of our bathroom as the room to paint. It's currently a fairly nice shade of green, but I've been toying with painting it a deep blue to match the blue in some of the Moroccan style tiles. Husband reckons it would be too dark though...

  20. Angora Blue,
    Would be the hue,
    I would choose,
    For my new Princesses bedroom,
    So her dreams, up high they will zoom,
    Blue you say!
    Not pink or yellow sunshine rays?
    I love those colours don't get me wrong,
    But this colour reminds me of a Robbins Egg Bluebird's song.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Anita, Bamboo Shoot would be my choice after careful consideration.
    Our house has an outlook out to lots of leafy trees and I think this colour would invite the outside in.
    Greens are such calming, casual colours - I'd be hoping it would improve the mood and calm us (well at least improve highly strung to quietly frantic). Hmmm actually I'm feeling better just thinking about Bamboo Shoot! Maybe I can pop a sample into the corner of my computer screen!!

    9 October 2011 3:24 PM

  23. I too love blue and would love to see Angora Blue in my home office. I have newish white furniture but the walls are a dirty grey except for the one feature wall in a less-than-stylish hue of green, inherited from the previous owners. I'm just not motivated to work in there at the moment. Thanks for the opportunity to enter. x

  24. Our unfinished, south-facing bathroom,
    Needs warm colour to lift the gloom!
    Shades of mellow yellow,
    Like Custard Puff,
    Or Lemon Delicious (gee, they sound delicious!)
    Are in order,
    To tone with our colourful tile border,
    But yellows may be too disgusting!
    With a Dulux Consultant, we REALLY need colour-discussing...,
    Gaining inspiration,
    For ALL overdue painting and redecorations!


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