
Friday 16 December 2011

Renovator's Rescue: Part three

Regular readers may recall that terribly run down Renovator's Delight I've been tracking for the past few months. You can see earlier posts Here and Here.

Well, there is movement at the station, so to speak. The house is being re-stumped. At first I thought it was going to be removed from the block, but I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that it was definitely a raising and re-stumping affair.

Interwar Queenslander being raised and re-stumped
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Queenslander house style, this is a very typical renovation. Because the home is mostly of timber construction and was originally built on wooden stilts (which was originally to avoid flooding and allow air ventilation in our sub-tropical climate), it lends itself to being raised slightly to legal height to provide extra living area under the home. It's a big undertaking but it will almost double the living space of an existing home.

A renovation such as this will include a new concrete slab and new posts/stumps to support the home. If it is done well, the bottom half of the house will be set back about a metre from the front plane of the upper level to reduce the mass of the building; it will then be clad in weatherboards or material which is consistent with the construction of the house.  A decorative valance may be used to lessen the impact of the new addition to the home as in the image below. New stairs in a style consistent with the era of the house will then be reinstated at the front.

Image from HERE
I wish the Sow's Ear's lower level had been set back from the front plane when it was re-stumped many, many moons ago. I also wish the front steps were not 'modernised'. Reinstating stairs consistent to the era of the Sow's Ear is on our long term agenda...Did you hear that Mr Rooney?

Anyway, I'm very much looking forward to seeing more progress on the old house. It's great that it was saved as too many character homes disappear from our streets. I'll keep you posted on further developments.


  1. I am always impressed when someone saves a house rather than demolishes. I know it is a much harder and often more expensive endeavor. It is so important to save these old houses.

    When you say living space underneath, does that not defeat the purpose of having a raised house, or is this more of a patio/outdoor/indoor space?

  2. I love this! Too many old homes are being given up on around here. Our friends and family thought we were bonkers when we bought our 200 year old cottage.

  3. I love a good rest umping! Ours was done before we bought it and was a smidge too low for legal height. It has always annoyed me that they didn't have the foresight to make it a foot taller. Look forward to watching the old girl get made over.

  4. It's got good bones, love a bay window.

  5. I just hope that it will be a tasteful reno Brismod. Interesting to see how she goes. xx

  6. What great potential this place has. I can't wait to see how it all goes. Keep us posted :)

  7. Thanks so much for these posts. Having an old Queenslander we love seeing the before and after photos of old girls getting their makeovers!

  8. Looking forward to following its transformation.

    TDM xx

    ps I used by vouchers! Will get pics for tomorrow's post.

  9. What a big task but it will be lovely in the end. Can't wait to see how they transform it! Ange

  10. i'd always love old/historical architecture. will visit again to see the transformation.

  11. Can't wait to see what is done with/to this house. Can't help wondering if they owners know they're under such scrutiny...


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