
Thursday 22 December 2011

A Sneak Peek of Australian Modern

A few days ago I was sent the art work for the front cover of the inaugural Australian Modern publication. It's looking good! Very good! Lots of great articles and some amazing images; over 60 pages of all things Australian Modern.

A release date of late January 2012 is the plan, but I'll keep you posted on when they are definitely out and where you will be able to pick up your very own copy (if mid-century modern is your thing). I know definitely there will  be distribution points in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. If you want to get in touch with the publisher, contact Chris Osborne HERE.

It's very exciting!


  1. I've put my name down to subscribe but haven't heard anything yet...definetely want a copy of this mag in my hot little hands!

  2. Yay! Exciting stuff. I'll keep a look out.

  3. That is brilliant, and the cover looks like an art work. I can't wait to have the whole series of these magazines. I hope it does really well.

  4. The cover looks great! How exciting the next issue is coming out.

  5. Loved that pic from a previous post,esp the car.Have a lovely Christmas with your liked that book club post, what a cultured bunch!

  6. What a great cover image!
    Just wanted to pop by and wish you, Jason and the boys a lovely Christmas,no chandelier shenanigans and a sunshine filled break. I always love visiting your blog, and catching up with all your doings. Pretty soon though I think you're going to have to rename the Sow's Ear, she is looking so good.
    Amanda xx

  7. you have a merry xmas matey and we will all look forward to the mag - best le xox


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