
Saturday 24 December 2011

What Christmas Break?

Everyone seems to be winding down for Christmas. It's really great to see. However, Christmas time around here means Jason has time off until the New Year. And you know what that means? Lots of reno jobs to be completed with the luxury of time.

Not one to disappoint, Jason arrived home half way through the day yesterday to commence his holidays. So what does he do? He proceeds to strip to the waist and whips out his trusty belt sander. Yeah!

You have to love a man with such commitment to his home renovations!

Shirtless Jason sanding the back stairs. 
The stair treads are being sanded down and readied for a coat of decking oil. They get quite grey as they get the direct sun.

Shortly after the above photos were taken, it started to rain. Thwarted for the afternoon!

Jason in repose. I know. It is not often that we see him like this. I captured this image on the quiet.
Today, Jason finished oiling the stairs. He also made the obligatory trip to the hardware store to purchase drop sheets and other painting paraphernalia in readiness for painting the deck ceiling.

All the jobs to be done this holiday are smallish but they have big impact in terms of polishing off the Sow's Ear. So, if you are still around I'll still be here tracking all the progress.

Thanks so much for reading our story about our renovations this year. The fabulous comments and lovely emails that we receive are always greatly appreciated. It makes writing Fun and VJs so worthwhile. The renovation process is much more palatable and less lonely somehow...

We wish you a safe and happy Christmas. Cheers to you all!

Jason with a mullet and me as a blonde.
Goofy photos from a booth at a recent function.
Sadly, if we were to die tomorrow this would be the most current photo of Jason and I together since 2009!!
Merry Christmas!


  1. Merry Christmas to you both. I have one of those husbands. He has been building for weeks and it keeps growing. Today he is resting with his water squirter thing. Whatever makes them happy though!

  2. Merry Christmas to you both. I have one of those husbands. He has been building for weeks and it keeps growing. Today he is resting with his water squirter thing. Whatever makes them happy though!

  3. It's good isn't it when they have a project! A squirter sounds intriguing...!!xx

  4. Merry Christmas Anita, Jason and boys!

  5. Merry Christmas Anita and Jason.

    Can I boast and tell everyone I've met Jason in the flesh? Though he was clothed and not renovating at the time, but still ...

    I hope Santa brings you stacks of MC stuff and little lead soldiers, oh yes and some things for the boys.

  6. Merry Christmas Anita to you, Jason and the boys. I have enjoyed your renovating journey and thanks for your help/advice with ours. Have a great day and all the best for 2012. ;-)

  7. Merry Christmas to you and your family Anita! I hope Jason takes enough of a break for you all to make some lovely Christmas memories.
    Best wishes xx

  8. Merry Christmas! The renovations bring never a quiet moment to your house ... I hope you all get to enjoy at least a little down time.

  9. Thanks for your kind words and good wishes Anita.
    I truly hope you Jason and the boys have a spectacular Christmas and New year...and yep, I'll be around to continue reading about your renovations.
    Have a good one!

  10. You're too funny! I love the sneaky photo - and the blonde snaps. It's a little bit Marilyn...

    And thanks for stopping by earlier :) Hope you have a great Christmas too xx

  11. Merry Christmas renovators!! Have to say, the hardware car park was the busiest here too!! Topless belt sanding, my husband needs no excuse to take his shirt off either. My son is the same!!
    Happy progress over the break, love Posie

  12. At first - with the top photo - I thought that Jason was practicing head-stands on the steps. Taking your shirt off at Christmas? It just doesn't seem right, somehow. Have a good one.

  13. Haha! I understand the feeling of having a "recent" photo with the hubby. I think our most recent photo also involves hubby wearing an Afro wig ... sigh ...

  14. Another pic of Shirtless Jason just made my Christmas.
    Have a happy one!

  15. Wishing you a very merry Christmas!

  16. You always make me giggle, Anita! Poor Jason - he must be *so* over that painting by now ☺. J x

  17. You are working that wig Anita! I hope you had a great Christmas with the family & enjoyed the beautifully painted surrounds of the Sow's Ear:). Meredy xo

  18. Decided to google renovation blogs for inspiration as I've been considering doing one of my own when we begin our renovations soon. I love yours! Just discovered it yesterday.

    How did you get started? I've never blogged before.

  19. Thanks noexpertbut! It is easy. Just follow the prompts from blogger and then start writing and loading your photos. Send me your link when you're up and running. Love reading about other renos. Good luck! xx


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