
Monday 9 January 2012

Birthdays, mention and study renovation

Birthdays are fun when you reach an age where wearing deep red nail polish doesn't look too out of place. Unless of course you're at home doing breakfast dishes...but I won't let that deter me. Thanks N, L & G!

The bounty of lovely birthday gifts
Jason also bought me some rather impractical underwear. He is very much of the mindset that gifts should be of the sort that keep on giving (in this case, to the hopeful 'gifter'). Classic. (It's in the background in the above photo!)

Birthday bubbles
Also, I'd like to thank the lovely and friendly Julie-Ann from the Decorating Forum for the shout out  today. She's made special mention of our deck renovation on the forum which you should all check out HERE (if you want). This is a great site for useful home design advice and worth a visit if you are renovating or decorating.

And perhaps the loveliest gift of all is the start made on the study renovation. If you follow Fun and VJs on Facebook, you would've seen snippets of the progress we made on the weekend and the crying over spilt beer fiasco. Work is well and truly under way for a revamped study. Hooray!!


  1. Happy Birthday!! I hope you have had a lovely day. Love the fancy nails but will never understand mens fascination with impractical undies. Really, they should try wearing it for a day and see how they feel! Oh the visuals that brings to mind... :)

  2. Happy Birthday you lovely lady! You deserve the best...ok sexy undies are maybe not the best but Jason's intent shows he thinks you are one sexy lass! Loving your blog! me sooooo jealous of your advances throughout out your place. Cheers!

  3. Whoo Hoo! Happy Birthday Foxy Lady!

  4. Happy Birthday!!!! Enjoy that fancy nail polish, the bubbles, the underwear and the rest of it. I hope those boys did something special for you.

  5. I love red polish as it just seems very grown-up somehow and sophisticated. It's lovely. Amber

  6. Happy Birthday to you, mine was yesterday and so we are both conservative capricorns. Hope you had a lovely day. Oh la, la, with the lingerie.... ;-)

  7. Good drills, Jas.

    Happy birthday BM

  8. Happy Birthday to You!

    Sexy underwear from your hubby is a good sign on a birthday...he still finds you irresistable. ...

  9. Happy birthday Brismod! Enjoy your bubbles, bloomers and boys!

  10. Happy Birthday Brismod! Looks like hubby has excellent taste. xx

  11. Happy Birthday! That naughty Jason.

  12. Happy Birthday! Love how the nail polish matches the sexy lingerie!

  13. Happy Birthday to you! Hope you had a lovely day. Loving the red nail polish, never out of place. x Jode

  14. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Wait, have we missed it, is it tomorrow there now? Guess it probably is, but hey!

  15. Happy birthday darl!! Got to love a gift that keeps giving - too funny. xx

  16. Happy Birthday hugs to you Anita:). I hope you have a wonderful birthday with lots of great surprises.
    I'm not sure if Jason understands this is your birthday not his lol.
    Thanks for letting us feature your gorgeous blog this week on the Decorating Forum:)

  17. Happy Birthday Anita! It is a gorgeous colour nail polish and it's wonderful that hubby is so thoughtful ;-)

  18. Happy Birthday ... hope it is fabulous!

    Anonymous Natalie xx

  19. Well happy birthday, Anita! That colour looks fabulous on you. Hmm, you're tempting me to do a little spot of retail therapy...J x

  20. Hilarious!!! Mr CC is exactly the same in the 'gift' department. Hope u had a lovely birthday. Ange

  21. Hope you had a fantastic day! Men are all the same in some ways aren't they!!

  22. Happy belated birthday Brismod.
    Loving the red nail polish and the bubbles and having a smirky giggle at the other gift!

  23. Thanks everyone for your nice comments!! I thought some of you would relate to the "other" gift...ha!

  24. Happy Birthday!! The cold champagne looks like a great way to celebrate... yep, sick of being pregnant!

  25. Oh Jason... this cracks me up :)

    Happy belated birthday Anita x

  26. Happy Birthday :)

    We hope you enjoy the day and spend it with all of your favorite people in your life.


    The Hamelin Family


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