
Tuesday 17 January 2012

Night painting

It's half past eight in the evening as I begin typing this blog post. We've had dinner, the dishwasher is loaded, the two youngest boys are snug in bed and I'm catching up on some writing work which needs to be finished, except that I'm writing this instead...

And Jason is painting the study. He arrived home from work at the usual time this evening, mixed up a Martini, drank it, ate his dinner and then put on his Fun and VJs uniform. Painting shorts. He's painting the study like a man possessed. What a classic. His propensity to work is almost freakish!

Who could be arsed painting at night when you don't have to? It's not like we're on a renovating TV show nor are we selling the Sow's Ear in the near future...

Looks like the study will be finished sooner rather than later. So, does anyone else out there paint in the evening?

Jason's painting the study ceiling and walls tonight.
The doors, windows and architraves will be the last thing he paints.


  1. The man needs treatment. I don't even paint in the daylight, let alone after work.

  2. Maybe it relaxes him? I've heard that about painting... The repetitive nature of the task allows the mind to wander.

    I love that he mixes himself up a Martini when he comes home. Still proving he can surprise all his "fans".

  3. Oh yeah! I love painting at night. There are no distractions and you can just potter away to your hearts content... In another life I used to work shift work and would get home and start painting for a couple of hours before I went to bed. Love it

  4. Ah, no. I'm clumsy enough in the daylight hours without tempting fate that much! He's devoted, I'll say that :)

  5. It's a good way to block out life and everything around you. So I've heard.

    TDM xx

  6. TDM, I thought that the martini would do that for him!
    And Sez, Jason aims to please his fans.
    Kerry, you? Clumsy?
    Tom, Jason self-medicates with alcohol.
    And Lesley, you and Jas should get together and paint our next room! xx

  7. Hell yes, love painting at night. I remember the first house we renovated before children and the only chance to get on top of it all was to paint after work with the radio blaring.
    Even this house early last year saw us working into the night throwing copious amounts of Lexicon around. Painting is probably the only reno job I truly enjoy.

  8. I used to paint at night, it was relaxing because it was so different from the day job. I did it naked too, no damage to my clothes.

  9. I paint at night and rip off wallpaper too. You have to do it when the spirit moves you.

  10. give the man a cigar !! what a treasure - will it gain him bedrom credit nudge nudge wink wink :) le xox

  11. It must be relaing for him. I bet he does a lot of thinking, as well as being able to do it all undisturbed.

  12. He just must LOVE to paint! ;-)

  13. I think Jason might jst be the 007 of renovations. Licence to Paint. Shirtless. After a martini. The man has style. Meredy xo

  14. I've been known to paint at night but the light was never good enough and I spent more time in the day trying to fix up my botch job. That Jason, I've said it before... he's a keeper. A-M xx

  15. I've said it before, that man is a machine!

  16. even after the martini... gotta admire that !
    happy 2012!
    ~laura xx

  17. Just discovered your blog and have to say I'm impressed by your man's work ethic (and wish mine was as dedicated to renovating as yours is!). I'd be happy with having anything painted ahead of schedule and by someone other than me (I'm the painter in our house).

  18. I've been painting at night for a while now, after work. Brush painting regency tounge and groove bead then air spraying the flat sections during daylight on weekends. Are you using brushes, rollers or both? Air spraying is too noisy for night times, surely?

  19. Jason is a machine!!! Can't wait to c the finished room. Ange

  20. Thanks everyone for your comments. Some of you are hilarious.

    Drafty, we mostly use brush for the VJs and roller for the ceiling. We don't spray as we don't have a compressor. Have fun with your painting - it will be quicker spraying that's for sure. x

  21. With both myself and my fiance working fulltime and liking our weekends too much...if we paint im afraid its almost always at night.


  22. O my sprayer is an airless gun(no compressor). Wagner brand from bunnings. It just plugs into power and uses air like a vacuum cleaner, at leastthat's what it sounds like. Does a good flatish finish with the right adjustment and is really quick. Painting the grooves/bead and cutting in takes the most time.

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