
Thursday 19 January 2012

Shower curtains

Shower curtains in our unventilated bathroom have a low life expectancy at the Sow's Ear. That is a fact. I have a couple which I alternate between when they need to be washed. But eventually they start to show the black speckling on the bottom hem which is the sign of mould. And the blight keeps spreading.

That is the down side of  having our only shower over the bath tub. But I guess that's just life. Anyway, one set of shower curtains is beyond redemption, so I've been looking for a replacement pair -  just simple white shower curtains.

This is a lot harder than it sounds. Most have stripes, ducks, jacquard print...the best is the curtain inspired by the movie Psycho. Imagine doing your best Janet Leigh impersonation with bloody shower curtains. Gruesome.

image from here
The white waffle shower curtain which I ended buying seemed rather tame by comparison.

waffle weave shower curtain
Apparently this particular type is hotel grade. The blurb accompanying the product said it was their 'most opulent shower curtain...with a definite luxury feel'. I'm a bit of a sucker but you know...I have a feeling this will be the closest I will get to a hotel bathroom in a long time. It was inevitable that I would fall for the spiel.

I bought the shower curtains from here

It does feel luxurious. It also looks good too. I hope it stays as pristine as it is now.


  1. I'd say that definitely falls into the opulent category. Long may you luxuriate in and around it:)

  2. It's the nicest shower curtain I've seen! In my many years!

  3. Loving the waffle shower curtain, but the bloody image is rather disturbing to say the least - yuck!

  4. That shower curtain looks nicer than my sheets.

  5. I feel your pain trying to find plain shower curtains, you're lucky you found some stripes. All I could find when I had to go searching was nana flower ones! lol Looks like you have hit the jackpot with these whites ones! They look great. Have a great day. x Jode

  6. Oh they do look good. I just replaced the boys recently, also looking a bit mouldy - yuk! ;-)

  7. Yes, mine needs changing too, it's all cruddy and the rings holding it up have pulled through. Noice :)
    Let us know how yours goes :)

  8. Snap I bought the same one for our bath which pretty much matches your set up...... Needless to say I'm a sucker for the hotel spiel too

  9. Goodness, that is a seriously fancy shower curtain ... I have many bad memories of much less luxurious versions from my childhood ... :)

    Who wouldn't fall for the hotel line? I know I would too! :)

  10. i have a david bowie shower curtain. right now i have only a bath so he hangs on the wall. the bloody one works well after my gun post :)
    ~laura xx

  11. that blood stained one is flipping hilarious - love it.

  12. I wouldn't buy it but LOVE the bloodied shower set / bathmat! The one you've chosen is gorgeous; nicest I've seen. Freedom always have a simple and tasteful range too.
    x KL

  13. I ran all over Sydney looking for plain white shower curtain - one with magnets on bottom - couldn't find one anywhere - Myer, DJs, etc. etc.-ended up finding perfect one- think it was $5 - at IKEA!

  14. It's surprisingly hard to find simple, elegant homewares like this... and from the comment I'm clearly not the only person who thinks so! Love your choice!

    Oh, and I so wish I could go to the Australia Modern launch next Saturday, but am out of town that weekend... please take lots of pictures!

    x Catherine @ The Spring

    p.s. Got a big giveaway going on the The Spring for Brisbane locals right now - VERY luxurious so I hope you'll stop by and put in to win the $500 worth of Thai day spa massage treatments!


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