
Wednesday 18 April 2012

Danish stoneware find

Very rarely do I find anything at my local op shop. I look all the time and nada. Nothing. Just a lot of mugs and old china that don't take my fancy. But I always check it out because you never know what may crop up.

Like this small earthenware dish. It caught my eye because of its bright orange swirly interior. I checked for a hallmark - the name Ulrik Lundbergh Ebletoft was embossed underneath it which meant absolutely nothing to me. It was $2.50 and not made in China, so it became mine.

I googled the hallmark (edit:make that back stamp) and it turns out the dish is Danish. Ebletoft is a small town in Denmark which is known for its artisans such as potters and glass workers. I know this because Wiki told me so!

Retro Pottery Net featured a similar dish on his blog site but he did not know much about the potter. The designs are very 1970s though, which is my kind of vintage!

Isn't it good when you find something vintage that suits your decor perfectly? Anybody else have good luck lately?

Ulrik Lundbergh dish with Japanese doll's head from ES Traders


  1. I absolutely love your dish. You were very clever to get it. And for $2.50!! It does look fab near the Rimini blue.

    I recently bought a number of Danish stoneware pieces from Retro Net ... he knows what he's talking about.

    Danish stoneware is stunning! It's my latest weakness.

  2. He does know his stuff, I like reading his site too. I'm fast becoming a fan of Danish stoneware too...I will be keeping my eyes peeled for it, but there are slim pickings in my neck of the woods. xx

  3. Funky dish.

    Hallmarks are only found on precious metals. Hallmarks were registered (think assay office).

    Backstamps is what is found on all pottery & china. They are either stamped or incised.

    Being anal aren`t I LOL but I`m in the antiques trade and part of being a dealer is to educate.

    Oh, your piece is also very similar to pieces that were produced by Studio Dybka Tichy in the 1970`s.

  4. Ha! Thanks. I usually double check my terminology but was too lazy this time. I'll do a edit of this post. Consider me educated now. xx

  5. Glad to hear from you Katherine! I'm on my phone too and I keep making mistakes with my typing etc. My grammar is much better than it seems!! You should've stopped in for a chat on the weekend. Next time! xx

  6. I like how the dish still has the makers presence, the swirl and lip of bowl were formed with the potters fingers. That and the super hot red glaze makes it special! ...and it was a steal, love the hunt!

  7. What a lovely dish, perfect for displaying one's bluish-purple plums before making one's plum compote.

  8. Neat little piece! I never have much luck at thrift shops, but I always bugger in anyway on the chance I might. Crossing my fingers for next time.

  9. this is very you :) see persistence pays off .. and a bargain and all - the best kind of buy :)

  10. I bought the most amazing set of drawers from the Wooloongabba Antique centre , they were hidden behind lots of bibs and bobs but my eyes were like homeing pigeons and found them immediately. They silvery, morroccon and are cury shaped - so different!

  11. A couple of months ago whilst we were driving a few hours up the coast, I picked up some old Enid Blyton books from a man in a shed at the side of a road. It turns out that one of them is a 1939 1st edition!! Jackpot. Not bad for a $6 outlay.


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