
Sunday 15 April 2012

Renovator's Rescue: part five

It's been a little while since I've shown you the latest on the Renovator's Rescue house which I've been stalking these past few months. You can read the beginnings of its transformation here.

The renovation is progressing steadily.  It's been raised, built-in underneath, and the exterior has been painted a pale grey with white and dark blue trim. They still need to build the front stairs and I'm curious to know what else they will do to the front. Usually a valance or paling screens are added as they are characteristic to Queenslander homes.

I have to say some of the choices regarding the external facade are probably not ones I would've made... I would've opened up the front with larger windows or a verandah to allow more light and breeze for our sub-tropical climate, but given I'm not living there and not footing the bill, it doesn't really matter, does it? There's often a very valid reason for why people renovate a home the way they do...

It doesn't look like it is too far off from being finished. I'll keep you posted when it's done.

That dinky window on the right still bothers me. There has to be a reason for that. window being so little...

Side view of the renovated house

It looks like there is double car accommodation under the house. 


  1. It's so huge! I'm with you on that small window - it looks darn awful. Hopefully all will improve when the facade is finished.
    ps our painting is coming on very slowly. I'll do an update soon. We are scraping back and repainting a big set of sash windows. Fun :)

  2. It's all coming along beautifully, love the outside color. Sandy x

  3. There's definitely a reason behind that smaller window.

    I'd march right up and ask them what it is. Maybe they have a whopping great Danish sideboard to fit under it.

  4. THat little window does look a bit odd and the house does look quite front heavy from the side. I agree if it had been me a little verandah at the front would have been the go but maybe they have a large family and just need the room. Do you think that front could be an ensuite, it has another little window on the side front quite high? They seem to have made quick progress. Cheers Katherine

  5. Yup, I think its an ensuite/walk-in wardrobe affair, too. Perhaps they'll put a really big verandah in front of it? Bit of a shame - but otherwise it looks quite nice. As you say, what people do with their houses is their own business, but sometimes I think 'heritage' needs to be taken into consideration, too.

  6. Oh my! That is SO WRONG! U.G.L.Y.!!! They've ruined it.

  7. I have been following this house for quite some time and also had a look through it when it was on the market. To restor the old house to this degree and give it a new lease of life is amazing. Most rooms were not able to be walked in because termites had eaten EVERYTHING. I say well done to them for actually keeping the 'heritage' of the old house. It may not have all the bits and pieces hangin off it but it's better than it being bulldozed and an architectural box house being built there instead.
    Littlemissairgap - suggest you look at photos of the old house because I don't believe the house could get more ruined than what it was.

  8. I agree with you anonymous that the house has definitely come a long way and I do think they should be given credit for saving it. It is often easier and cheaper to work with a blank canvas and they probably could've knocked it down. I was surprised when the house was retained.

    Renovations, building choices and architecture are very subjective tastes...not everyone is going to like this renovation or even our mini renovation for that matter...

    It's interesting to hear everone's opinions though.

  9. I think this building looks silly all up. The bottom bit really is out of proportion to the rest, and what is with the extending bit for the garage? I don't think I like the timber colored trim with that paint scheme, it's a bit battle ship like to me.

  10. Hmmm, it's strange all round, that window is clearly for a dungeon, enough said, they just don't have the right taste, but clearly plenty of money?? Love Posie

  11. I give them props for even considering to renovate the original. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder ..

  12. I think you will find the timber trim hasn't been painted yet.

  13. Thanks Anon. I can't wait to see it when it's done.

  14. I reckon thats an ensuite! Looks like a little window around the side too so that's my bet. Pity because I agree, it's too small for the front of the house.

  15. Well they did used to put those little windows in the Ashgrovians. I'm not quite sure why. But agreed - it looks aweful. I thought the verandah was going to be exposed there in section#2, however they have built in instead.


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