
Wednesday 4 April 2012

For Annie

The call went out to all of Blogtopia to paint our toes for Annie - rainbow toes solidarity. You see, fellow Brisbane blogger Annie from Artistica Domestica was diagnosed with breast cancer a fortnight ago and has just undergone surgery to remove a breast. It is a terrible thing for anyone to go makes me think 'there but for the grace of God go I'...because cancer does not discriminate. It is the unlucky dice-roll of life.

Annie, who is an artist and mum of five,  is facing her diagnosis and treatment with as much grace as possible and even with some humour. She painted her toes rainbow colours with her daughters to cheer everyone up. Small symbols of hope to buoy the spirits.

A number of her friends have done the same. To let her know we are thinking of her. There is a linky HERE where a whole gang of people are showing their support with rainbow-coloured toes. Join in too if you have been touched by cancer some way, it would mean the world to us. Go here to be involved.

I'm totally on board, so I scrambled to my beauty drawer and fossicked for my nail polishes only to discover three pathetic bottles of polish in varying shades of red - scarlet red, lotus rouge and raven red. As a beauty blogger, I fail...regardless, a colour intervention was required

I have since rectified my poorly equipped beauty drawer and I'm the proud owner of neon yellow, show girl pink, high impact green and midnight blue.

So, go on, paint your toes and link up. (I really hope Tom Stephenson, the stonemason in Bath, gets involved too)

rainbow toes.
My poor feet are paint splattered from all the painting we've done this past week.
Barefoot painter toes!


  1. Love the idea of brightly coloured toes to boost the spirit. My very best wishes to Annie.

  2. My thoughts exactly, 'there but for the grace of God go I'.

    How simple is it to paint one's toes in different colours? And when a woman is feeling like she has everything to lose, to see others offering their support in the simplest way, surely that must lift one's spirits?

    Three cheers to you Brismod!

  3. Gorgeous painter toes! Annie will be doubly impressed!

  4. Hello. And yes, it could be, may yet be, any of us, we girls are in this together.

    And whoa, another Tom Stephenson fan!


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