
Friday 6 April 2012

Under the house progress:Part 2

This is just a very quick post to show you some of the progress which has been made at the Sow's Ear.

The weatherboards have been put up on both sides of the house. It's looking much nicer than the old asbestos  fibro cladding we had, so it is a big improvement. Mr D has done a lovely, professional job.

Next week, the cladding for the back of the Sow's Ear, under the deck, will be installed. That will look absolutely terrific and will dress up that area nicely.

We were also rather pleased to have our old VJ door re-hung. It had been taken off by the previous owners so it's been laying about the place for nearly three years! Yikes. The plan is to paint it orange. 

old VJ door

weatherboards on the sunroom side of the house. New side stairs will be the next project 

This is the bedroom side of the house. Here is our new window opening with recycled timber sill.


  1. I haven't been over for ages, you've accompished so much, looks great. I can relate to the VJ door, I have one on my bathroom It was the old laundry door lol

  2. I love watching all your progress, you are certainly steaming ahead! Somehow I feel I am part of it - without the yakka of course...

  3. It's looking great! What a difference it makes. Can't wait to see the orange door! Have a great day. Ange

  4. Wow you're really getting through it. Loving that door, gonna look fab in orange xx

  5. I too love the VJ door - we made sure we kept all of them in our renovation. So much character. And it will look fabulous in orange. Have a wonderful weekend and hope the fence painting is going well F xx

  6. It's all looking so spiffy that you'll have to consider soon when the Sow's Ear will need to be called the Silk Purse. The orange door will be wonderful - I currently have orange blazing away behind my retina! Love it. X

  7. It's looking great, nothing like new weatherboards to tart up the place :)

  8. I love seeing the progress on your place - it gives me hope for mine! Plus your dedication encourages me to get off my bum and start painting, sanding or whatever else is on the to-do list. Love the idea of orange! xx

    Anna (My Design Ethos)


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