
Saturday 19 May 2012

Orange blanket

It's getting quite chilly in Brisbane as winter approaches. This usually means another wool blanket on the bed.

I found this orange blanket at the local op-shop. I bought it purely for it's 'orangeiness' and also in honour of the 2012 Pantone colour of the year: Tangerine Tango. 

Some would be appalled at buying second-hand bedding (ie Jason), but I try not to use my imagination when it comes to such things. I focus on the benefits of sleeping with wool. A wash and an airing does wonders too.

I bought a new wool blanket a couple of years ago from Target and it is not as well-made as this old blanket. The weave is looser and the quality is inferior when compared with the old one. 

So, the op-shop one is a winner - cheap as chips and in a colour that suits my aesthetic.

Vintage orange blanket
As you can see, I fail in ironing pillow slips...

Orange blanket


  1. I used to not touch second-hand books because thinking about who may have read them used to make my skin crawl. I'm okay with the odd second-hand book now-and-again.

    I've also bought second-hand sheets and use them in varying guises.

    So, what's the difference with a second-hand blanket? We're all God's little children after all. Love the orange.

  2. Hello:
    We see absolutely nothing wrong with buying second hand bedding. And, as in the case of this blanket, the quality may well be superior to new - certainly at less money.

    Kellemes hétvégét.

  3. We have a bunch of op shop blankets. Probably cleaner than the bedding you sleep in when you go to a hotel - the blankets only had one owner prior! I love the colour.

  4. Love the blanket and the Orla Kiely pillow cases in their (unironed) glory.
    Looks lovely. Fx

  5. A few of my parents old woollen Onkaparinga blankets reside in our linen press.
    Mind you I don't haul them out very often but they're too good to toss.

  6. Lovely colour, you are right they don't make them like they used to. I am afraid we would freeze with only a sheet and a blanket, we need an extra warm doona with vintage eidies on the top!

  7. Hello,
    I am a new reader who found you through Katrina Chambers blog.
    Love your orange blanket & my Jason to would be horrified if he new I brought a blanket from a 2nd hand shop. Me however would just see it as a BARGIN!
    I look forward to following your blogs
    Pen x

  8. I still have sheets in perfect condition that were my Mums and went on my bed as a kid. I'm 36 now and they're on my daughters bed. The older linen and blankets seem to be such amazing quality!

  9. Lovely blanket. Does anyone iron pillow slips anymore???

  10. Great colour. I hear you re blanket quality. We have some old yachting blankets ( and no I don't know what a yachting blanket is ) and it is thick and warm and heavy nothing like a Target blanket.

    Loved your intro comment 'getting chilly in Brisbane..' ha ha don't make me laugh. Xoxo

  11. the oldies are the best. we have a couple here, that will never get thrown out.

    v. jealous of your score though, that is seriously the most perfect orange isnt it.

    And im with Jane 'chilly'?!


  12. What a lovely cheerful colour to wake up to..i like the sea greens and grey pillowcase and sheet that you have contrasted it with too. Last year i made myself some orange pillowcases just 'cos i thought they'd be great to wake up with as well. They are now my favourite ones to use.

  13. The older ones are ALWAYS best! and buying something like a pure wool blanket from an op shop is fine as far as I'm concerned.
    Like you say it just needs an airing and a quick wash...nothing to it.
    Down here they won't take blankets at op-shops. You have to take them to the animal shelters, at least that's the case at 2 op-shops I've been to.

  14. Older stuff was always made with quality first. Love the colour, especially with the blue. xx

  15. My favourite woolly blanket is a Dutch one we found in an English oppy. The label is getting old and faded but the blanket is as soft and sturdy as ever. As long as they are clean, I love that they came from a time when things were made with care to last longer.

  16. A perfect encompaniment to orla!

  17. Am loving orange too ATM. The quality of a vintage blanket will defn be better that new! Professionally cleaned of course!
    x KL

  18. Love it! I don't have a problem with anything second hand, if it can be washed or sterilised. I love old books, but they can't be smelly or stained.

    TDM xx

  19. I was wondering if it has been unusually cold in Brisbane for this time of year...I would have thought the 9-22 days were more common in July than now...

  20. we have several - inherited :) and we put them to good use - best le xox

  21. It seems I am the only one wanting to make crass comments involving horizontal tangerine tango dancing. Love it love it love it. And if it can go through a hot wash unscathed it is always welcome at my place. melx

  22. I love it - what a great match for your Orla Kiely linen xx

  23. What does Son number one make of the Orange? I am imagining eye rolling and sarcastic comments but maybe it only applies to outdoor orange things...I think it is wonderful but I did like that old army one you had too. xxx Katherine

  24. I LOVE the orange blanket. Such a perfect colour. And, when you think about it, we all use HEAVILY used sheets in hotels (even those folks who shell out major bucks for 5 star places) so we've ALL slept under used bedding, some just paid more for it ;) It looks great and wool is so fabulous, what a good buy!

  25. People would use public labs but turn their noses up at secondhand blankets? It's the fabbiest orange (my computer auto-corrected that to 'flabbiest' but it lies) and it looks most jolly excellent with the pillowcases.

  26. ...and auto-corrected 'lavs' to 'labs'. These bossy bloody computers!


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