
Thursday 17 May 2012

Retro style cushions

It's been mentioned out there in Blogtopia that to under-cushion is a deadly sin. It slots in at number two position, between Lust and Greed in the lifestyle blogger's bible.

Retro cushions

Beautiful embroidered fabric repurposed into a cushion

My mate Melissa has been fighting the good fight against under-cushioning and has made a selection of handsome one-of-a-kind cushions. She uses mostly vintage fabric, which she has collected over the past decade or so, to create unique soft furnishings. Her vintage fabric collection is amazing - I particularly like the fabulous barkcloth fabric Melissa has in her storeroom.

Melissa's also putting the love back into unloved chairs and giving them a new lease on life. Aren't they happy and fun pieces for the home?

upcycled chair with vintage barkcloth  upholstery

upcycled chair with new upholstered seat 
If you are in Brisbane, Melissa will be selling her wares on Saturday 19 May at a small market to be held at St Joachim's Church Hall, Crown Street in Holland Park from 2pm to 4pm. She's selling lots of cushions, the chairs above and handmade sun hats amongst other things. You can call/text Melissa on 0447 517 492 if something in particular caught your eye.

* I may possibly receive a bottle of wine for my blogging depends if Melissa sells anything as a result of  this blog post. Ha!


  1. What an amazing stash of fabric and beautiful pile of cushiony goodness! Love her colour combos. will try very hard to get over there to have a good fossick.melx

  2. They are absolutely lovely, and so jolly! Well done Melissa!

  3. Oh they are so lovely! So colourful. Good to see you are keeping up the fight against 'undercushioning'. It's a movement that is significantly growing, thanks to FF, 2010! A-M xx

  4. They're lovely cushions and fabrics. I do like that crocheted bird one. The Paddington Antique Centre has a whole lot of peacock feathers for sale which would look great with it.

    I have a pile of uncovered cushions that are languishing in piles in dire need of recovering. Melissa has inspired me! Good luck with the market!

  5. They all look great, especially the stitched bird. I hope Melissa does really well at the market x

  6. Love the embroidered bird cushion. Can't make it from Melbourne for the market but hope it's successful!

  7. I hope she does well, her cushions are so lovely & cheerful, Love it!!!

  8. I do love a nice piece of bark cloth. Beautiful things!

  9. wowee! her stuff is amazing! not sure i'll be back in town in time but will keep her gorgeous cushions in mind.

  10. Love it! Wish I lived near "Brizzy"

  11. The chairs are gorgeous. What a talented woman!

  12. love love love what a cleaver chookie she is and you by default :) loving most the birdie le xox

  13. Never knowingly under-cushion - isn't that the mantra? Love that special embroidered fabric especially. x

  14. Found you via Katrina's blog. Love those vintage fabrics and what your friend has done with them!

  15. I like these styles very much.They are all very beautiful.Thank you for your sharing.

  16. that's why i rarely show current images of the splendour, a woefull lack of cushioning here.

    Although I have several that i've bought, but they're still sitting in the postage packs waiting for me to bring them to life.

    i'm like the elctrician who uses power boards everywhere in their house!


  17. Thanks for this post! I scored two fabulous cushions from it.

    TDM xx


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