
Wednesday 18 July 2012

Out and about, VJs and books

It's so strange hanging out with Jason during the day without the children - we've been making the most of it and going to as many child unfriendly places as possible. I lie, most of the places we visit are "child friendly", it's just that we don't feel friendly when we have to go to such places with children! If you know what I'm saying...

Jason and I having coffee at Riverbend  Books where we picked up some holiday reading. I picked up a classic which I've never read 'Fahrenheit 451', while Jason is reading the Stieg Larsson trilogy
Jason started placing the VJ panels onto the downstairs walls. He's just doing one wall at this stage and he will see how he feels finishing the rest off. No need to rush when you're on holidays...

Jason and his assistant Son #1 
Today, Jason finished putting the VJ panels on the first wall. He also built the window architraves - there is a bit of builder's bog covering up some fubars. Paint will make it all go away too. It's a forgiving medium.

Anyway, it's all rather fancy for underneath the house but I suspect Jason is thinking big with his ultimate man cave. He's been talking trestle tables and dioramas...scary boy stuff.

VJ panels on the wall
Last night was book club at K's place. She's a new member in our close-knit group which has been going for over seven years. K's home, in the western suburbs, was hit quite badly in last year's flood. She and her partner have only just moved back into their place after many, many months of repairs.

K is studying fine art. Her home is full to the brim with art and beautiful kilims and rugs she has collected over the years. It's just beautiful.

a corner of K's home

K's partner showed us some of his antiquarian books. Sadly they did not escape unscathed during the Brisbane floods. This one is a physician's manual dating back to 1653. It was just amazing to be able to touch it.
We discussed Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal by Christopher Moore. It's not a book for the masses but it's certainly a very funny, hypothetical take on the life of Christ...filling in the gaping holes of the new testament. A book for those with an open mind and a sense of humour. (K cooked us a Lamb roast in honour of the book!)

Our next book is The Unfortunates by B S Johnson,which I can't wait to get my hands on.

Chocolate and hazelnut cake was the bomb!


  1. Your book club sounds great and the fact that you combine it with scrummy food...well you know how I would feel about that. Perfect mix. K's house is fabulous, well done to them.

  2. The lamb roast was a touch of genius.

  3. Hi I'm Jessica, and just found your blog.

    I am at the start of renovating a cottage in the South West of very rainy England, so good to compare notes.

    You two have got it spot on.. why is it I never make time for coffee and lasagne??

  4. What an interesting home to visit! Fahrenheit 451 was required reading in high school. I must read it again!

  5. The Unfortunates. I'm keen to hear your review. I haven't read it. A book club sounds fun. I miss my sewing square which stopped when we all couldn't find the time to meet. Sad.

    I spy some military miniatures!

  6. Oh that physician's manual, how amazing. I would have loved to read through it! Sounds like you are having a fabulous holiday! A-M xx

  7. What an interesting home. I love the idea of a book club, though perhaps more for the food and wine :)

  8. I bet you guys are loving just being able to chill out and spend some time together :-)


  9. About the kid friendly places? Yup, know exactly what you mean.

    I'll be interested to hear what you think of The Unfortunates. Me, I'm going to have to buy the Hare and its jolly old amber eyes, if only to be able to forestall the (approximately) one hundred people who tell me daily that I should read it. And, you know, it might be good to boot!

    The romantic lunch - that's lovely. It's so easy to forget or postpone those things.

    PP X


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