
Friday 20 July 2012

VJ wall lining progress

Those coffee dates Jason and I have been enjoying petered during the week. There's too much work to be done. 

Over the last few days, Jason has been working underneath the Sow's Ear, lining the walls with VJ panelling.

Considering that this project was quite an impromptu undertaking while Jason's on annual leave, he's made substantial progress.  Again, I should've known better than to think Jason was just going to relax. 

Anyway, it's good to always have a project to work on, so I've been told...

Here's a few shots of what's been happening:

Jason started lining the walls on another section of wall

The plan is to use this area for general storage. We hope to get some shelving or utility cupboards to organise it properly

This is the first wall which Jason lined with the VJ panels. It's been undercoated, as have the bricks, and it will need a few top coats  of vivid white to finish it off.

An action shot for the fans. I told Jason the shirt will disappoint the fan base. (you do realise Jason is quite unaware that I take these photos of him...just in case you think they're staged....Check out the tool belt that he is most proud of)

This is a shot of the painted concrete floor under the house. It's maroon. And it's peeling off.  It would be great to have the concrete floors polished but it may be overkill...lots of things to ponder...


  1. it's all go, go, go! it's not good having to give up coffee dates though....

    Sar x

  2. No, it's not good to give up on the coffee dates. And there was me thinking that I had to work harder at getting them in... did manage an ice cream on the lawn today though.

  3. What a fantastic space! No wonder he is keen to get it spruced up. Imagine all the cool stuff you could hoard in there??

  4. Go Jason! Anita, your place is looking great - thanx for sharing. xx

  5. he's so pro with that tool belt, LOL!!

  6. ooo it never ends does it?? We've been at the bathroom, hence the blog-silence... Just gave the small person the first bath tonight, to thunderous applause.
    We acid etched our concrete "patio" and painted it with Jet Dry - worked well for a fairly simple finish that's easy to keep clean. We couldn't afford the polishing either!

  7. Jason would probably freeze without his shirt on at the moment.Will the daily visitor numbers drop do you think, and was that a shadowbox of "boys" toys last post?


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