
Sunday 5 August 2012

Lack of motivation

Yep, we've been struck by severe lack of motivation here at Fun and VJs. There are a number of small half-finished painting jobs hanging over our heads and it seems decadent not to be tackling them while the weather has been nice and dry. Who knows when La Nina conditions will hit us again in Brisbane town?

This morning, Jason bought another tin of exterior paint, so we could finish off the cubby house which we started a month or so ago. We needed to finish all the white and I gave the little old door its first coat of orange paint. The whole thing looks compact but adorable.

The cubby house looks incredibly cute

The only thing left to do is to paint the finials and trim on the back but it is a tight squeeze between the cubby and the fence line. We can't seem to find our belt sander either...when that is located, we can sand back the little verandah and give it a coat of decking oil.

Jason is straddling the side fence to paint the back of the cubby house.  Not much room at all.

white cubby house

This week, I'll try to get a start on the second car port. It's the last heritage coloured thing we have to paint over...and people on the street have been noting the unfinished nature of the Sow' Ear front yard. We've just been putting it off because it's just a pain to paint! (Jason just read this paragraph and said I should paint the front car port in my bikini...I'm snorting with laughter...he's dreaming!)

Also, I found out through local sources that the Sow's Ear was painted heritage colours only this century i.e in the early 2000s.  How funny is that? I had assumed it was last painted in the early 1990s but no, apparently it used to be white back then.

Anyway, expect more painting updates over the next little while...


  1. I love your cubby hole. Brian started to build one for the kids 3 summers ago and time defeats him each year to paint it. Oh, for a hubby again who has time to paint :)
    It looks great

  2. I thought you had said "over the next little white" and I was cracking up at your delightful use of the word white and then I re-read it.

    So not only can Jason do just about everything it seems and more it looks like he could be a contender for the Olympics in the beam with that fence balancing routine.

  3. Oh Anita, that cubby is the bees' knees. Can you please show us a tour of it? Planet Baby's version is in need of some TLC and I'm keen to find some inspiration! J x

  4. Such cute cubby house. It is close to the chain wire, isn't it?

    What could have happened to that tool? The house is looking pretty lovely. You must sit back and sigh with contentment!

  5. Hello:
    In no way do we envy you and Jason the painting but the result is absolutely wonderful. Your summer house, as we think that it would be called here, is perfection. Lucky, lucky you!!

  6. My solicitors have been instructed to contact you regarding the unauthorised use of the phrase, 'compact but adorable'.

  7. Love the cubby and I admire your Commitment 11/10 x

  8. I really do love this cubby. Is it large enough for ladies to partake of tea?
    Has Jason raided my husbands work clothes drawers again. I'm telling you...separated at birth those two.

  9. Thanks for all the encouraging comments!!

    Tom, I did a double take when I first saw your comment. Of course I didn't see your name straight away. What ever happened to 'compact but adorable city apartment'?

  10. Hey Annie, your hubby has a finer pair of pins than Jason....xx

  11. I haven't popped in for a while and OMG, this cubby is too die for, gorgeous....I am having cubby envy.
    Love it!

  12. Your cubby house looks AMAZING! Well done! My dear darling hubby unfortunately didn't use exterior paint on ours, so the paint cracked and faded and looks terrible :(

  13. I still live in it, even though you have built your own. I think you should call yours, 'Uncle Tom's Cabin'.

  14. That playhouse is the cutest. Your profile picture is beautiful. The paint store is still in business, thank heavens!

  15. That cubby is adorable, like a fairy tale. Mx

  16. Those last bits and pieces are the worst, they just never seem to end.... Hence why we know live on a boat!


  17. The cubby is incredibly cute 'an all..I wish I was a kid again..and living at your house!

  18. The orange door is just fantastic. Although I wondered what son one thought of it. Maybe they are coming around to orange.

  19. That's the best cubby I have seen in a long while. Just fab!!

  20. I'm gonna pass on your comment to him with the nice pins lol xx

  21. I always wanted a cubby like that!
    Penny x


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