
Wednesday 1 August 2012

Latest op-shop finds

I did a bit of an op-shop fossick yesterday and came up trumps in terms of Scandinavian crystal and serving ware. I was in the Logan vicinity and visited about three oppies for a quick browse.

It seems Kosta Boda is not terribly desirable in Logan and is being donated to the charity shops. So sad to see these languishing on the shelves...

Kosta Boda grape bowl designed by Ann Warff
iittala solaris plates designed by Tapio Wirkkala
Kosta Boda Party  plates designed by Ann Warff in 1970s
I found four large plates and a smaller entree size plate at three separate op-shops. So funny. 
the haul also included pineapple serving ware which I will pass on to some friends and more Ravenhead bark glasses to add to my kitchen shelf.
My friends Chris and Susan are having the ultimate retro garage sale on their lawn in September. I'm going to have a stall to raise some cash, the profits will be put towards our annual book club Christmas party (we're going to buy prawns this year. Ha!).

Some of the retro op-shop items I've found over the past few months will be for sale on my stall (I can't keep it much as I'd like to...). My prices will be cheap, so if you're keen to start or add to your Scandinavian crystal or pottery collection, stay tuned for the details.

Let there be prawns for Christmas!


  1. Nice finds, they remind me of my childhood actually. I'd be no good at selling my stuff, I think I'm a bit of a hoarder, um I mean collector. I have no idea how Katherine does it for a living. Wishing you prawns in abundance :)

  2. If they appreciated the Kosta Boda, you wouldn't have scored. Good work. x

  3. Don't tell me about your garage sale! DON'T. I've started making telephone purchases at lunch time to various purveyors of secondhand wares.

    Congrats on the glassware! I think you're a winner in terms of hitting Logan and surrounds.

    Okay, tell me about the garage sale!

  4. Hello:
    Gosh, the charity shops near you must be very upmarket if such wonderful examples of Scandinavian glassware are being offered for sale. These are wonderful finds. We are certain that there will be Prawns for Christmas, what is not to like about these very desirable pieces?!!

  5. Well I love Scandinavian glassware......
    I also love the pineapple dish and napkin / letter holder ;o)
    Tania xx

  6. I'm still in awe of yours and Carmel's op shop finds. I only ever find overpriced tupperware at my local shops. Must go further abroad! Mind you, I did find yesterday, for $2.50, a pink Burberry shoulder purse ... fake of course, but it's ticked the designer handbag box for Big Girl & Miss Flea.

  7. I have some of those pineapple bowls. Very necessary. I saw some bark glasses while op shopping today and thought of you.

  8. I think every home here in Sweden has this kostaboda plate! and the bowls, just have to have these at every party. they will never be out of date.

  9. In the Logan vicinity....ha yeah right. We know the car must have just steered you there by itself. I think you definetly are going to need a sideboard soon....the kitchen must be running out of space ha. The upside to this delimma is you get to go shopping for a sideboard. See you soon. Xxxx

  10. I nearly died when I saw the bowl with the grapes on it!

    I got it as a wedding gift (only 12 years ago)

    I have mine in my cupboard and it is a great bowl for salads and stuff - love me some Kosta Boda.

    Have fun with your finds!

  11. Don't tease me! The garage sale sounds fab - wish I could be there!!

    And that prawn comment made me laugh out loud xx

  12. Good job! I have several Kosta Boda pieces that I lugged around Europe in my backpack in the '80's after a visit to the headquarters in Stockholm. Then received a lovely Kosta Boda dish from my 'usbands firm as a wedding present not too many years ago. None will be seeing the inside of a Logan op shop anytime soon! Too special!

  13. There's a bit of wedding Kosta in the big high cupboard here for when the rellies come over and we are being a bit fancy. What was it doing in oppies. I may just happen to be driving by the day of that garage sale. It's a dilemna where to put it all isn't it but so hard to leave it on the shelf!

  14. Gorgeous and a good haul! Your Christmas party sounds great. Mxx

  15. Logan is a hotbed of desirable op shop goodies isn't it? I did think of you recently when I stumbled across some barkglass apple shaped dishes at the Alderley Salvos- if you are over northside perhaps pop in and have a ferret. melx


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