
Thursday 30 August 2012

My fairy op-shop mother

Gather around people. I have a fairytale to share.

Once upon a time there was a girl called Brismod who lived in a pig (ie the Sow's Ear). She dreamt one day to furnish her home with the most retro of homewares, making her house a home with her Prince Hi-Vis (ie Jason).

One day she received an email out-of-the blue from her fairy op-shop mother. Her name was Midcentury Jo from Desire to Inspire and she had commenced her spring cleaning. She wanted to bestow her hoarded collected treasures to her fairy op-shop daughters. She summoned her other op-shop daughter Katherine of theoldboathouse, as well as Brismod to her castle in the land of S'wich (Ipswich).
Jo's 1860s colonial home

Image of Jo's office which I took from her blog Desire to Inspire

Fortunately the generous fairy op-shop mother had a very good design eye which married well with her relentless need to op-shop. Katherine and Brismod could not believe their eyes when the fairy op-shop mother was pulling Hornsea cup after Hornsea cup from her cupboards...

Midwinter Stonehenge Sun crockery set and Hornsea Saffron crockery

"Here, take it. You will enjoy this. It will make me happy to see you enjoy this. And I have some brown stone-ware things for my new fairy op-shop daughter, Makeminemid-century (Mmmc), that you must share," pronounced the fairy op-shop mother.

"Katherine, see that you bring Mmmc on your next visit. Brismod is getting greedy and it will do her good to know that she is not the only chosen one. Besides her cupboards are getting full..."

After a short but very enjoyable day in the land of S'wich, Katherine and Brismod returned home with a boot full of delicious retro wares to own and share...grateful to know such a kind and generous fairy op-shop mother...

Katherine's car boot. She drove but I was concerned that her boot would not be big enough from past visiting experience.
Jo donated all the bowls for my bookclub flea which is on Saturday 8 September (details to follow).

to be continued...


  1. Hello:
    What a very generous fairy op-shop mother you have! Your visit seems to have resembled something like a supermarket trolley dash, but without the food. Can one ever have too many retro goodies,no we think not.And, we wonder,just how many return trips can there be to Ipswich before the cupboard is bare?!!

  2. Very impressive! Mxx

  3. All I can say is holy mother of fairy op god mothers.

    I need to go to op shops more. I've had a tip-off that there's one in the City! I bet it just sells lost Go-Cards and briefcases from the 80s.

  4. Wowee!! What a fab fairy op-shop mother you have. All the better to treat you with.

    I'd love to have a good snoop around in Jo's office. Looks amazing!


  5. I want a fairy opshop mother. I want one NOW, Daddy!!!

  6. that would make a great grown up fairy tale book for grown ups who love vintage treasure! I can illustrate it for you.


  7. Oh what a fun day out for you and Katherine. I love your stories. ;-)

  8. I"m trying to figure out who is Cinderella because obviously we are the wicked step sisters ha MMMC you must be Cinders. Jo is amazing in every way!!! I wish we lived in Ipswich. Maybe we could get a weekender.

  9. I'm no Cinderella. But I'd love to come along next time and see how Jo's laid-out her house. I love that photo of the lounge room. Something out of Vogue Living. I love those leather chairs.

  10. MMMC, yes you must come next time as we need another vehicle to transport the good silver! Actually in all seriousness, I had such a fun day catching up with two fun loving women, who know their thrift! And the part of Ipswich where Jo lives is so makes for a lovely outing. Thanks again Jo. I spent the day oiling the motherload of monkey wood. xx

  11. Wow, I haven't seen Robert Dunlop chairs for years!! Memories. Love the treasures. KP

  12. Thanks KP. You have a good eye to know what those chairs are! xx

  13. How lovely to be gifted these treasures. Lucky ducks.
    It's a shame I didn't know you and Katherine when I cleared out my mother's home. As I grew up with retro wares I was kind of over it..I know running now to wash my mouth out with soap!


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