
Tuesday 28 August 2012

Coffee at the Beaumont in Highgate Hill

I visited Brisbane's leading location scout, Nat Duncan from Qld Film Locations at her very cool new apartment in Beaumont which is a 1970s high rise in Highgate Hill. Katherine from the oldboathouse was my partner in crime and visited too.
Image taken from here

We all played ladies over retro Japanese stoneware cups and delicious homemade cake in Nat's corner apartment which has outlooks to the Brisbane River, Mount Cootha, and the CBD. Katherine and I were in awe of the apartment's spectacular position and the cool retro vibe of the space. Her apartment has many original elements, such as original 1970s kitchen, which gives it a lot of personality.

Cake and coffee and Japanese stoneware cups

cool vignette on Nat's sideboard

Nat started a blog about her apartment and it has some interesting information about the building and her apartment.Check it out to see photos of her apartment.

Anyway, it was a good catch-up with some gorgeous people!

The funniest thing about our visit is Nat's Lucite spaghetti light which now hangs in the master bedroom. Nat called me a number of months ago asking me for the name of our know...the one who hung our chandelier...

I reminded her of the story of our spectacular 'what goes up must come down' chandelier story (read here) and let's not forget old Wazza...Although I would still recommend our electricians (they've always been very good apart from the one incident...), I feel obliged to provide the gory details of our chandelier experience. It makes a funny story and you have to laugh!

Nat was pretty cool about it all and called Carlo anyway. And didn't they redeem themselves admirably (although I have a feeling that Wazza wasn't involved). It looks fantastic! And it hasn't fallen down once!

Orange Lucite spaghetti light


  1. Sigh, making me so so homesick. I lived down the road from that building for years. Mxx

  2. Lovely appartment. For any of your readers re-visiting your post about the notorious chandelier incident, make sure you read the comments by Mr. Rooney. So funny I still almost laugh out loud when I read them! Fx

  3. It was soooooo good to have you and Katherine visit me. And I'm very excited about my Kosta Boda bowl from you. How apt for my apartment. Thanks to one of your followers Annie who has left lots of comments on my blog. (bit excited)

  4. Wow, that is a super cool apartment. Very jealous xx

  5. Love the photos you took. I wish I had taken some of the amazing views. The light is such a great colour. Hanging out with you guys is soo fun xxx


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