
Sunday 26 August 2012

Tread carefully

Why you would need to wear hi-vis to paint the stair treads is beyond me? But hey, who am I to get in the way of a man and his need for safety-ware?

Painting stair treads on a Queenslander house

The weekend was spent pretty much prepping our new external stairs for painting. Jason whipped out the trusty Sicaflex and filled all the gaps in the stairs to weatherproof it. You know, nail holes and all the timber joins. Apparently, wood rot begins at the joins therefore a good weatherproof gap filler is an important preventative measure.

Jason got up bright and early and slipped on his new hi-vis shirt which he bought himself for Father's Day. The glint of fluoro early on a weekend morning can be too much to bear for people who aren't used to it...I told Jason in no uncertain terms...

Eating breakfast with Mr Hi-vis. There was no need to put an overhead light on...the glow from his shirt was enough to illuminate the room.
Pencilled in stair treads
We've chosen not to paint the entire stair treads, opting for a painted finish for the edges only and leaving the rest of the tread au naturel with an oiled finish. This is similar to what was done on our back staircase leading from our deck.

Jason (ably assisted by Son # 1 and a steel ruler) measured each tread carefully and then marked it with his carpenter's pencil. Jason's become such an expert with a paint brush that he cuts in freehand - no painter's tape for him after three years painting the Sow's Ear. Well, I was impressed...

Keep you posted on the progress!


  1. Awesome! I was wondering whether he was measuring and drawing lines on the steps before painting, 'cos it all looks so straight.

  2. Looking good! You guys never stop. Can't wait to see the finished product. Ange

  3. Brings back memories of painting the steps of our Queenslander. Jason is doing a great job, I'm impressed too.

  4. Tell Jason his cutting in is impeccable.

    Next time, I should try freehand too. Tape has never really worked for me. Somehow the paint always seems to find a way underneath..

    P.S. Thanks for avoiding full-on pic of the fluoro!

  5. No painters tape? Oh he is a master! A-M xx

  6. Hilarious! Does he wear his glow in the dark outfit to his 'real' job?

  7. He is so brave to go without masking tape! looks absolutely ace...

  8. The stairs look great. the outfit ? what can I say given that I married a man who now parades around in chainsaw proof chaps. Perhaps they are angling for pinups in Brisbane's hottest handyman calendar! melx

  9. Well, you never know when some crazy driver might come whipping through your backyard and not see teh house, or the stairs - or your husband.

    I love the Hi-vis. But - wasn't he afraid to ruin it with a few paint drips?

    Love how you are providing a chronicle on the adventures of remodeling! My husband and I recently purchased an old family home (where nothing was done the past 50 years unless it needed repair). It's been fun - not.


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