
Thursday 27 September 2012

More painting in the dark

Jason started his second job tonight and is painting the louvre cupboard doors in the garage. He's wearing his hi-vis uniform, probably to illuminate the night time painting. 

Apparently, so I've been told by the man himself, wearing long sleeves and pants makes it easier for Jason to wash up afterwards. He used  to have to pick paint out of his chest hairs when he went shirtless. Our water bill has reduced substantially in the last quarter.

Fun, fun, fun at the Sow's Ear.
Painting undercoat on the timber louvre doors


  1. When we first moved into the farmhouse, heavy with double child, the husband undertook the painting of some louvred cupboard doors on his own. They involved several coats and were fiddly and time consuming. Luckily Jason is a painting master by now.

  2. I'm just beginning to feel sorry for Jason..the painting is ceaseless!

  3. I vaguely remember us painting louvres in one of our past houses and from memory it was one of the least fun things I've ever painted :-)

  4. But tis only Spring. What will happen when it gets really hot? Jx

  5. And a whole squad of bloggers keel over at the thought of Jason picking paint out his chest hairs! Not me of course.... !

  6. Clad or unclad; that man is unstoppable.

  7. The man is unstoppable.

    Looking forward to the 40th prep snaps x

  8. Does Jason every take a day off from working on the house? He's an automaton!

  9. Gahhh worst job ever. Can't wait for the reveal. The room.. Yes the room. Not a shirtless Jason. The room.

    TDM xx

  10. I managed to do one coat on louvered doors - 5 years later still haven't managed to second coat. I just don't look too closely!


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