
Tuesday 25 September 2012

Storage, cushions and meatballs

We did a quick trip to IKEA today...that is, with the kids in tow as it is the Spring school holidays. I know. What was I thinking?

Since we've been busily working on the boys' room, we needed an extra IKEA wire storage thingy for the boys' built in cupboards...but do you think I could find the one I was looking for? Unless you know the name of the design, you're stuffed!

The system we've used in the past wasn't on display and I went searching for it online but couldn't for the life of me find it. Admittedly, I was quite confident I would find it on the shelves...again what was I thinking?

In the end, I bought a completely different storage 'solution'... but failed to make sure it would fit in the cupboards. And wouldn't you know it, after 'allen keying' it into its form the stupid thing is too deep for the cupboard by a a couple of centimetres. Aye, yai, yai!

Maybe I can use it for when we renovate the laundry...because I don't fancy taking it back without all the original packing.

Anyway, all was not lost. I let the younger boys choose a cushion each for their room.

ikea cushions which the boys chose
Also, tonight we're having Swedish meatballs for dinner. (Guess who couldn't be bothered doing the grocery shopping? IKEA food will just have to do) I've never had them before, I hope they're ok...

Hoping the Kottbullars are an ok dinner option!

Just one final thing. The Master's promotion I've been spruiking here ends tonight. You can win $500 worth of vouchers to undertake your own refurbishment project. Click here to win. There's only 30 or so entries, so your odds of winning are great.

It is such a useful prize...I know that we've put our vouchers to good use...and here is a sneaky peek of part of the boys' room.

boys' room - still need to finalise a few things before it is completely done.


  1. Too funny about your meatballs not being flat packed on twitter. Those cushions are well picked by your boys. You have clearly trained them well....I have a give away your man in the Hi Vis may want you to enter.....

  2. Just catching up on all my missed blog reading. Not sure where I've been, but I must've been somewhere!

    A propos of Ikea meatballs, Miss Pimp was, for a time, completely addicted to them. You may not know this but there's a Facebook page for devotees. Gawd alone knows what they talk about.

  3. ha!I totally love ikea meatballs! May have passed them off as my own recipe a couple of times! shhhh. lovT

  4. Those wire thingies are great in the playroom for visible yet tidy toy storage. Or could it be a pineapple rack to hold the pineapples and pineapple tins?

  5. Bummer about the drawers but the excitement of going to ikea overrides everything for me. I just love IKEA, but then I am Taswegian. I have heard those meatballs are good.
    Yes, I must enter your comp :)

  6. Everytime I have gone to IKEA, they have always been out of the particular item I went there for, ALWAYS... You are a very brave woman going during the school holidays. xx

  7. Oh, that is such a classic Ikea story! The boys picked well with those cushions (not that I'm at all biased towards the spotty one as I have the bed linen).

    The general consensus from the meat ball eaters I know is that they are good so hopefully the masses were satiated tonight.

  8. Ike's is never straight forward is it? There's always a story attached to a visit. They'll be great in your laundry and the cushions are very cool. Anna used to keep multiple packs of those meatyballs in her freezer and managed to feed both our tribes on them a couple of New Years ago. The loaves and the meatballs! They have a great horseradish sauce there too.

  9. IKEA in school holidays...yep, nutso woman!! But who knew they had food? how bizarre! Oh wait, probably everyone knows except me, LOL!

  10. I found these on the masters website look pretty similar not sure on the measurements but hopefully this could work :-)

  11. Boys room coming on a treat. They have great taste (and not just for meatballs..)

  12. Don't you just hate it when you have to switch to Plan B and don't have measurements with you? I may be about to buy some kitchen cabinets from IKEA, but I think my daughter and SIL will have to go pick them up, because they love to go. Trips to IKEA make me totally crazy. I think it's a shopping experience that holds far more appeal for your generation than mine.

    So how were the meatballs, after all?

  13. I love Ikea but they are the worst for keeping stock on their shelves, it's always the way what you need or want is out of stock. I've been waiting for 1 kitchen door for 5mths now, as they only order a couple at a time & sell them immediately, a store that size...what goes!?! Love the cushion choices your boys made, can't wait to see the end result.

  14. Love the boys cushion choices and the bright bedside in one pic too! Whenever I go to ikea for something specific, they don't have it but I manage to spend a kazillion anyway! Hope the meatballs were ok! x KL

  15. I don't know what you were thinking going to Ikea on the school holidays, buy you survived. That's the main thing!!!

  16. Damn Ikea. After our run in with the Queen bed we bought last week (didn't fit a standard Australian queen mattress in it) I never want to return. Except I will, because I always do.

  17. It's so difficult to get what you want in stock at ikea. Drives me nuts. The room is looking fab!

    TDM xxx

  18. ikea - kids - and school hols....darl, what kind of crazy were you thinking?? but i'm v. impressed with the cushions and dinner too. Now that's my kind of shop! xx

  19. Thanks everyone! The meatballs were a hit and will be buying them again. xx

  20. I bet I know the system you are talking about, and I was searching for it today! It's the Antonius system, just enter Antonius into the search field! Hope this helps!!!

  21. I don't mind the meatballs! Did you get some of the peppercorn sauce as well???

    You have to love the irony and challenge of flat pack. I like to yell at said flat pack that "we're both engineers, so just come together already". Sadly, it doesn't always work!


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