
Saturday 27 October 2012

Holy Valance: part 2

If at first you don't succeed try, try again.

After Jason's first attempt of the valance turned slightly pear shaped, he's made some adjustments and is much happier with the how this attempt has worked out. It's a more solid construction so it should stand the test of time.

Jason started another valance under our bedroom and will slowly progress work around under the deck. It should look very nice when it's done.


  1. I'm liking the intersection of curves between the valance (funny word) and (what I assume is) the water tank. And I like determined people too. Go Jason!

  2. I admire Jason's dogged commitment to making these valances..great work!

  3. In the little picture on the right of FF's blog, I thought this was a modern sculpture ; beautiful work !

  4. I believe Jason has mastered the art! The new valance looks perfect.

  5. Jason has got the curve on the bottom edge perfect.

  6. Looking good! I like the shape against the curves of the tank too :)

  7. Looks good!

    But now I'm concerned about our valance. We have a Queenslander, and have downward slats on a few sections of our house, but they are actually screwed onto the facia board of the house. Our pest guy was here recently, and had to do a lot of work to make the pest proofing more effective, and he didn't mention it as a problem...

  8. You guys have some serious stamina......looking good though!!!
    Tania xx

  9. The commitment to Hollie is admirable, looking good! :)

  10. Looking good. I have a couple of questions as a newbie potential renovator:
    1. What kind of wood are you using, and where do you get it from?
    2. Why not paint it before mounting it?

    I did feel for Jason in the last valance entry, glad he just got stuck in to fixing it!

  11. Hey Will,
    Thanks! Jason is using for the battens 86x19 pencil round decking boards and the 75x38 hardwood fencing rails. He's been going to Finlayson's for his supply. And re painting, yes he painted the first valance attempt before mounting but was too impatient to paint the second attempt. It is easier to get the boards primed beforehand.


Love to read your comments