
Tuesday 23 October 2012

What's been happening?

We had a fantastic long weekend away camping at beautiful Brunswick Heads in Northern New South Wales. It was so nice to get away from the general rigmarole of the Sow's Ear...although we still had to pitch a tent...and Jason was still wielding a hammer...

Brunswick River.
Image stolen from Madame McGreevy

Sons #1, 2, 3 in soft focus, playing on the beach

When we returned, we came back to this view from our back deck. The old house at the back of the Sow's Ear which had burnt down in May (read here) is finally being demolished. We received a letter in the mail telling us that the house was being demolished and removed this week. So sad.

In the letter it contained an image of the house as it was originally. It looks like a war service home - they were built for returned soldiers after World War 2...but I could be wrong. If only the image was bigger, you'd be able to clearly see the back gable of the Sow's Ear which pre-dates this house by 20 years or so.

So, I wonder what will be built in its place? A prize to the person who guesses'll just have to wait a while to find out who is the winner.


  1. I missed this post in May..must have been during my enforced computer induced absence. Fire in an old wooden house is exactly why we took out the combustion heater here...I don't even like to burn a candle except under strict supervision by me the whole time it's alight. Two large old wooden buildings and a couple of homes have gone up in smoke in this town since we came here eight years ago. Scary!

  2. Looks like a lovely camping break.

    The fire so close by must have been terrifying.

    I have the same worries as Carol. Our cottage is built of cob (earth) and has a thatched (straw) roof. Candles and open fires have me on high alert. Woodburners are the worst.

  3. The camping trip looks like fun. It's sad when an old home is torn down, but I'm sure it will be nice to get the burned-out structure out of your line of sight. I hope something very period-appropriate is built in its place.

  4. Are you in a DCP? If not, I bet you'll be getting a nice skillion-roofed box to sit and admire from your back deck! So sad it burnt down. A-M xx

  5. Hi Brismod,

    We've just booked a holiday house for a week in January and I thought of you. I'm sure you'd approve. (sorry for the long link!)

    Susan x

  6. Getting away is always good, especially if there is water involved.
    That poor house. I bet they built something horrible, but I really hope they're wrong!

  7. What a lovely idea of the owners to show everyone a photo of the original house. Hopefully something tasteful will replace it. And thank-you, your post has prompted me to check our smoke alarm situation. Sam

  8. Consider yourself lucky you have been notified whats happening Brismod. Sounds like you will be kept in the loop with what is going on over there. Lovely owners, they deserve a pat on the back for communicating to you in such a thoughtful way.
    This is coming from someone who has endured two small lot houses built on the block next door and never notified of anything.
    Brunswick Heads is gorgeous isn't it? Glad you had a break. xx

  9. [So, I wonder what will be built in its place? A prize to the person who guesses'll just have to wait a while to find out who is the winner.]

    A house (*tongue in cheek*) :)

  10. I love Brunswick Heads, we've camped there a couple of times and I love the little organic store, so many yummy things.

    Your house will be filled with dirt and dust that won't be from your own building projects. I hope the new home will have some character to it.


  11. Can't wait to find out. Was the house insured? If so, it's taken a very long time for anything to happen. The cost of timber these days means that many can't afford to build a weatherboard house, so unfortunately people are forced to use more affordable building products and designs. xx

  12. Looks like you had a lovely break in Brunswick Heads, so gorgeous there. I don't know what will be built in the place of the old house but will you be building it? I just had this thought that you may have bought the block etc....... :-) Mx

  13. Thanks everyone! Kazzie wins the most cheeky prize lol!
    And M, No we didn't buy the block. I have a feeling the owner will leave the lot empty until it's time to build again. xx

  14. Let's hope it's something pleasant to look out on. A nasty monolith was built a few doors down from us last year. It was passed as an "extension" but was bigger than the existing house and three stories high. It also covered the entire quarter acre block. There was enough concrete for a car park! We don't see it but our poor neighbors do.
    It will be fun to watch the evolution of a new house. Your neighbors seem to have manners, style and an affection for the old place which bodes well for you. Good luck.

  15. Gee you picked a great weekend to hit the beach, it was a stinker up here. Popped into the archives today, lots of exciting news about Betsy! Names as unusual as Zoila it seems! mel x

  16. very nice homes collection.Thanks to share it..

    house extensions Qld


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