
Friday 19 April 2013

Billy cart's maiden voyage

Well, the billy cart (aka the Nazgul) we made was a huge success. We found the perfect grassy slope to test it out on and the kids had the best fun without any horrendous injuries. Win, win!

C'mon Dad, when can I have my turn?
You can't really tell in the photos but the slope in this park is quite steep. Fortunately, the ground was nice and soft after some rain, which slowed the billy cart right down and cushioned all the falls we* had.

Little Schumachers in the making...maybe not given the slow speed of the cart!
Somehow, I think it was the biggest kid out of them all who had the most fun...

Jason tackling the widow-maker slope. He did actually crash and burn on the way down

*I sensibly didn't have a turn because my poor old back is still not 100 per cent...I really couldn't face my doctor or my physio if the worst had happened...

"Ummm...yeah Doctor Tim, I came off my billy cart while racing down a steep hill..."

Not cool.


  1. Fond memories of my own billy cart days - we had a steep bitumen lane-way behind our house, so much fun, but I also remember lots of bloody knees which were liberally doused with Mercurochrome by my Mum. That stuff killed!

    1. Same here. I've got great memories of doing the same thing when I was younger Kylie. It's a rite of passage. xx

  2. Just as well Jason had his steel capped boots on...but no helmet I see!

  3. HA! It will never be the adventure seekers that get hurt but the cautious ones with a bad back. Good call.
    Sensible to race near the ablutions in case you needed to wash away any blood and gore.
    Jason still riding in his safety boots too. Where's the hi vis when you need it!?

    1. He even wore his new King Gees, Annie. And it would be just my luck to be the one to really crash if I went on the Nazgul...xx

  4. Excellent, though I would have thought you would have taken video of Jason's fun! Next time :)

  5. Yes - would have loved to see a little video on vine. Kylie xx

  6. So the kids managed to get Dad off. Looks like a steep slope.

  7. Looks like so much fun. My daredevils would love it.

  8. Looks like fun!

    The seat looks good, i hope the local scout hall doesn't mind :P


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