
Monday 22 April 2013

Nice new knob

Never underestimate the power a new door knob can make to the look of a room.

Jason picked up the 'antique' copper door knob that he had ordered the previous week and put it on the bathroom door on the weekend.

It was a bit hit and miss trying to find a salvaged one...and we wanted to see what the new ones were like...

'Antique 'copper bungalow door handle

It was just the door knob and plate Jason had to replace, so it was quite straightforward. The new hardware was relatively expensive, so we are pretty happy that we only had to replace the one.

To do an entire house would cost a motza! Fortunately at the Sow's Ear most of original door hardware is in good working order. Sigh of relief!

It's amazing how much nicer it looks - like it was always meant to be there. We are all about keeping the heritage Queenslander style so that it matches the other doors in this part of the house. It's all in the details as they say.

Jason in action fixing the door plate onto the bathroom door
Nice work Jason!


  1. Where did you get it from? We have a few doors downstairs in the new part of the house we want to change to 'old' doors and hardware.

  2. Thanks Ness. We got it from Finlayson's at East Brisbane. x

    1. Yes we only have 2 to replace also, one is for the bathroom as well... Yes finlaysons can be expensive, but your right it's ok if it's only one or two and stays in character with the home... Then it's worth it !!!

  3. It looks very good! You did a great job finding one that suits the house that well!

  4. looks lovely....a job well done!
    Bec x

  5. Looks lovely,very fitting for your house's era. Isn't it a pain to have to order and wait for everything now. No one seems to carry stock anymore.

  6. That is a beautiful handleset, and it looks perfect for your house. Great choice!

  7. that looks really nice :)


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